Auction at the Lucky Ferret Inn (Oct 17th)

  • In bold scarlet lettering, the following poster goes up around town:

    Amazing Adventurer's Auction at the Lucky Ferret Inn!

    Looking for the best in stealth, agility and finesse? Need that extra edge, the special and unique item that takes your skills to the next level? Want top-notch function without compromising on style and comfort?

    Look no further!

    The Lucky Ferret's Amazing Adventurer's Auction features a wide array of adventuring equipment, all of the highest quality, as well as goodie-bags of consumables for all sorts of daring-do folk!

    Be there for the chance of a life-time at your dream gear!


    ((event is scheduled to Saturday, October 17th at ten pm (central european summer time) / 4 pm Eastern US time. Hopefully the time will suit most interested parties, but I'm fairly flexible if there's strong opinion to alter it))

  • _After a busy and profitable auction, Sabre and Scarlet wander towards the docks, arm in arm. A fond farewell was said before the elegant entrepreneur stepped onboard a ship, off to find a life of comfort and riches in her faraway homeland.

    With a wistful expression, the Black Sails captain watched the ship depart, then swaggered off into the night to clear away the auction's various leftover knick-nacks - some of which may soon be available for purchase at the Black Sails Shoppe… if the punters out there aren't all out of cash by now._

  • As the time for the auction approaches, the elegant and exotic entrepreneur by the name of Scarlet appears busy and somewhat sad. Dressed in elegant purple silks, she carefully moves small boxes and wrapped items as if they were the most precious treasures the world ever saw.