The Away Thread

  • @3e1f686abb=Fadia:

    Surgery's done. They had to remove a mass which was (thankfully) benign. She's recovering now, should be released Friday afternoon or Saturday morning. Gonna be spending the next few days after work with her, as well as the whole weekend. Sorry if any events were planned that Ros or Rhona would need to be at!

    Thanks everyone for your concern/thoughts/prayers. They're really appreciated!

    Hear hear, I wish you guys a speedy recovery! 🙂

  • Hoping for fast healing 🙂

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Surgery's done. They had to remove a mass which was (thankfully) benign. She's recovering now, should be released Friday afternoon or Saturday morning. Gonna be spending the next few days after work with her, as well as the whole weekend. Sorry if any events were planned that Ros or Rhona would need to be at!

    Thanks everyone for your concern/thoughts/prayers. They're really appreciated!

  • @36519d51a8=Fadia:

    Mom is having surgery today. Depending on how things go, I may or may not see a significant reduction in availability for the next week or two.

    Seriously hoping for the best for you guys! Keep us informed as you can. 🙂

  • @c3d29b41a6=Fadia:

    Mom is having surgery today. Depending on how things go, I may or may not see a significant reduction in availability for the next week or two.

    Hoping all the best for the surgery.

  • @d9c5207463=Fadia:

    Mom is having surgery today. Depending on how things go, I may or may not see a significant reduction in availability for the next week or two.

    Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Hopefully it all goes well and she has a speedy recovery.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Mom is having surgery today. Depending on how things go, I may or may not see a significant reduction in availability for the next week or two.

  • @54f24fa817=Dorakhan:

    My desktop is currently fried (new components due May 10th) and my laptop is running NWN at about 1 frame per minute at the moment (it's an i3 processor, so I'm not sure what the deal is…). I should be back the weekend of May 13th if not before.

    The new desktop is fully operational.

  • @ddd86efb2d=Attentus:


    My desktop is currently fried (new components due May 10th) and my laptop is running NWN at about 1 frame per minute at the moment (it's an i3 processor, so I'm not sure what the deal is…). I should be back the weekend of May 13th if not before.

    graphics drivers update, perhaps?

    Laptop has a generic intel graphics card and I'm fairly certain that a forced windows update (despite my settings to the contrary) was what broke everything.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Preemptively posting that I'll be gone at my family's cabin the last weekend in May, with no internet/running water/electricity and all that.

  • @18150c0880=Dorakhan:

    My desktop is currently fried (new components due May 10th) and my laptop is running NWN at about 1 frame per minute at the moment (it's an i3 processor, so I'm not sure what the deal is…). I should be back the weekend of May 13th if not before.

    graphics drivers update, perhaps?

  • My desktop is currently fried (new components due May 10th) and my laptop is running NWN at about 1 frame per minute at the moment (it's an i3 processor, so I'm not sure what the deal is…). I should be back the weekend of May 13th if not before.

  • Been gone a while, due to having ren faire stuff every single weekend, and doing a lot of work on the bike, house, and health.

    I've lost 30 pounds at least!

    I may or may not be around more, gotta see how things even out in the coming months. Please PM me for anything you wish to see me around for, it's easier to schedule than it is to hang around.


  • I finally ran my cable. I'm now achieving very fast, very reliable internet speeds. I've also come to a diplomatic agreement with the wife that I'm allowed to game on weekends. Be prepared. As a result, I'm hoping to resume my primordial plot (which no doubt has been completely forgotten) as well as one or two additional ideas that I've been thinking of in my downtime.

    I hadn't been able to commit to DMing while my connection was so unreliable, I'm looking forward to getting back into the swing of it. Thank you for your incredible patience Narfell.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Aaaaaaaaaand the aforementioned week is upon us. Don't expect to see me much until this coming weekend.

  • Moving house over the weekend, so will not be around for a little while as I get set back up in the new place!

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Just putting in a preemptive thing here since I won't be around much the last week of April, due to the NFL draft happening and the fact that I have to work the NFL draft.

  • Legion

    So, I've been working a ton of overtime hours for the last… Gosh, I have no idea, the concept of time while I'm not at work is weirdly foreign to me these days. Anywho, my hours should let up a little at the end of this week and I'll be around more!

    Rest assured though, I've been writing down all the fun (terrifying) little ideas I have for you all now that I'm a DM in training~ Hope to see you soon!

  • As some of you know, I am a part-time professional musician (classical) currently involved with four separate singing groups. It's now concert season. I have four concerts and a three-day recording session scheduled during the next six weeks. Some of the directors are getting anxious and have started scheduling extra rehearsals on weekends. I have two today.

    While I still intend to show up in Narfell as often as possible, my appearances in Narfell will be spotty at best, especially on weekends. If I can make an event, I will. But don't count on me.


    Characters: Romulus Grey, bard the bowman
    Trotter, spooky halfling ranger
    Shesarai Foutopolis, red-haired cleric of Mystra

  • Hey KC, you might think about a fiber optic run instead for that distance, it would be slightly faster, if more expensive. Just a thought. 🙂