
  • Big, gushing kudos to DM Xanatos Gambit for a truly magical weekend, in which some stories came to an end, and others saw new light shed upon them in hindsight. It was frightening, it was intensely dramatic and frankly jaw-dropping when the time came for the big reveal! I adored Saturday's high drama, again with such innovative storytelling, and I loved to get to spend all Sunday on the aftermath, in quieter reflection and meaningful conversation with all those involved. Thanks guys, it was something really special to me ❤

  • Kudos to Jerrick, Shalvenay, and Darkspyr for a fun filled Underdark trip to gather Spellcrystals for the upcoming plots. Had a great time, and despite multiple close shaves, no-one died!

  • ... kudos to everyone involved in mummy-slaying trip, both DM and players. 🙂

  • Kudos to my favorite purple haired druid for making an appearance, when the glen needed her most!
    Bigger kudos to the newer do00ds for rolling with the inexplicable shenanigans, with surely more to come.
    Kudos to Xanatos Gambit as well, for spicing it up, and Fyre for setting the hook!

    Thanks for the love, y'all.

  • Kudos to the druidic circle (not even going to attempt to butcher the name) for making a young wolf feel welcome in a strange land. Although, "Wiitto" is still in development it was great fun inventing his past on the fly.
    Also to St.Croix for not getting too upset with me for ruining Alvi's stag hunt. That was fun too!
    And last but definitely not least, to Thorin's Crafter's Union Test group, especially Brumir, who had me laughing so much I could barely play the game.
    That was the most fun I've had in one day in a long long time! Thank you all to those involved! You're all the best!

    edited for spelling 😞

  • Kudos to DM Xanatos Gambit and all the fellow players who shared in the fun over the weekend, be it for mystery, hilarity, terror or simply the neverending quest of trying to cheer Olil up. 😄

  • Kudos to Fyre and fellow players for a specific long awaited rp moment. Was spicy, kind of funny and intriguing as well!

  • A big kudos to the defenders who could make it and to the others called in to help in our deep patrol. A very big thanks to DMRust who spiced it up and kept us all hoping. To be honest we made it further than I thought, but just as far as I think was advisable. Good job to all and thanks.

  • @karnivor : Seconded. Kudos to our intrepid storyteller, and the LEAST conventional resolution path I've ever seen on Narfell, somehow ridiculously satisfying, and bringing all of the efforts we'd put in over the years in to play as well.

    Seriously. Getting to draw from past experience and accomplishments specific to those plots was glorious.

  • Big kudos to DM Xanatos Gambit for a plot resolution which was as unexpected as it was innovative in form, and of course to Isolde's brave party who stuck it out through confusion, extreme danger and one hell of a showdown! Bravo!

  • @stcroix said in Kudos:

    Alvi has no words for the unexpected ending of a rough trip to the coldstones.... wanted to turn back like twice but then it was too late... no one died... despite some solid efforts... thanks bastage....

    Seconded for the unending trek of doom. That was just the right amount of scary to keep the group discussing options, turn back, go on, stop and cannibalize those almost dead...

  • Alvi has no words for the unexpected ending of a rough trip to the coldstones.... wanted to turn back like twice but then it was too late... no one died... despite some solid efforts... thanks bastage....

  • Kudos to @Mhilan for some heavy RP with Ras yesterday. Old Wolf still surprises me regularly!

  • DM Xanatos Gambit... belated thanks for the Lost City test of judgement. Nice build up. And the decision making... almost as painful as splitting treasure. HA! Was good RP. Loved the sacrificial altar scene.

  • Kudos to DM Fyre @Andelas for a great memory from November with his "The unexpected bugbear" assassin that stalked Troff and Kethro back to Norwick.

  • Kudos to DM Xanatos Gambit for a wonderfully immersive and challenging trip to the Warrens of the Dead - and to the party of brave souls who volunteered on the suicidal venture! Particularily thankful to the party's eventual agreement on their "prize", which lead to some very good RP and drama spilling over to the next day. Well played, all!

  • @aubreymaturin I wish the forums had a like function. : )

  • A big kudos shout out to DM Bastage and the intrepid crew of gnoll hunters that (mostly) survived an epic battle in the Gnoll Den. I've never seen so many Gynarches before (at least three dozen), followed by a couple dozen Demon Fighters that cast spells. We had a powerful crew of seven, with druids and clerics but only two frontliners. Thorin was lost to a combination of hits and fire spells, but the rest of us pulled it out in the end. Thanks again to all who participated in some great RP and really scary combat.


  • @preacher Uh-oh... what'd I do now? ; )

  • Kudos to Kerby for lots of fun moments and to Mint for a flavored rp day!