
  • Echoing kudos for the orc war event. Fighting off a giant warlord, followed by a danger filled trek to a necromancer, and causing the party some trouble along the way despite best intentions? Priceless. 😄

  • Council of Moradin

    A bit late, but well deserved KUDOS to DM Void for the event related to Norwick and the Dwarves's mine!

    And a great aplause to everyone that participated as well.

    Another Kudos to Flom for the Orc necromancer adventure.

  • Kudos to those involved in the Orc Necromancer event earlier today. I had a blast! I don't think that I ever saw that many unconventional undead. Had me like "WTF is that?" the whole time. Good show! It even added to Negan's flavor. Negan discovered he suffers from worgaphobia and I think i'm gonna play it that way.

    Worgaphobia: The irrational fear of worgs, a medium-sized wolf like creature in the fantasy genre of books and role playing games.

  • @12706e6d25=Karnivor:

    Kudos to Xanatos Gambit for a haunting event in a mystery mansion, and to all the participants that came along for the ride - I had a blast!

    Second that! Creepy-pasta haunted mansions are awesome! 😄

  • @6677d80b27=Araighn:


    Kudos to DM Void and all who participated in this thrilling event in the mines!


    Add my vote to the DMs that worked on this adventure. Very well done!

  • Kudos to Xanatos Gambit for a haunting event in a mystery mansion, and to all the participants that came along for the ride - I had a blast!

  • @ac742e5dde=Preacher:

    Kudos to DM Void and all who participated in this thrilling event in the mines!


  • Kudos to DM Void and all who participated in this thrilling event in the mines!

  • Thanks to those who've welcomed Cia to Narfell. I promise I'll get a proper diary started with her soon (finishing up her character history first!).

  • Kudos to all those involved in the Dwarven Mine event… I had a ton of fun and hope Negan wasn't too much of a burden... felt good to be up front kicking some ass though.

  • DM

    Thanks to Void and I think Rust, what fun today was, thank you both. Started off as a quiet little jaunt for some role play ended up a terrifying roller coaster of tentacled madness! Great fun!

  • Council of Moradin

    From build updates:


    • A handful of random encounters elements added to some area

    Kudos to our devs!

    Random encounters will sure bring more spice to our server! Can't wait to find out where these were implemented! 😄 🙂 😮

  • Kudos to DM Stupied,Keerla,Scott and Caling for spicing things up in an already flavored and very enjoyable event!

    Kudos to Aoth and Laerune as well for completing the tales by the fire moments!

  • Kudos to mcplay for the awesome event of intrigue and deduction.

  • Kudos to DM Meta for running an awesome event, especially after a server crash wiped all his hard and time consuming preparations.

    Kudos to Leena, Lorelai, Fadia, Aoth, Artemis, Rasuil, and Theaon for being great companions.

    Kudos to Jerrick for keeping the snow off our butts for 70+ IC years…

    AND special Kudos to Lorelai for retiring and stepping up to help him continue to do so.

    On a personal note, it has been so very good to come back to Narfell after all these years away, and to find my friends are still (mostly) here, and to be invited along for fun just like in the good ol’ days. Kudos to you all!

  • Kudos to
    Jerrick for providing information on his retirement so i could weave the lore into Lorelais
    Kallethen - for digging up old stories from that event, so again I could weave it into the retirement
    Rei_Jin - for providing insight into how they ran that event almost 10 years ago so that I could make its continuation as close to canon as possible
    Seisan - for assisting with the madness involved with that event!!!
    MCPlay - for running events on the side so ppl who werent invited to the event werent left out.

    Without all your combined efforts and storytelling and logging of information especially that event could have never happened the way it did.

  • I'll have a longer note posted in my character diary, but for now I want to say…

    Mountain-sized Kudos to Metagod, for taking the reigns on a retirement quest for Lorelai. I'm glad to have given her story a nice, proper ending.

    Also thanks to players involved in the quest.

  • Kudos to Metagod for a fun little adventure with helping out a couple of town merchants. We might not have saved the world, but doing little good deeds still feels great. 😄

  • Kudos to Z, Merlyanna, Unen, and Ros for a fun several IG days of adventuring for the purpose of the grand 'tour'. Also, kudos to Xanatos Gambit for spicing up part of that with something special for the new character.

    I love seeing motivation stories start and play out, and that was awesome!

  • Huge kudos to Wywernywin for the auction and a happy retirement to a fellow city employee, or semi-retirement. It moved along, good RP and I think everyone who attended had fun and walked away with something. Soo much good stuff. Thanks again