Echoing Z's kudos above. It was truly a blast to get all the active Union members together for one of the greatest mining trips I've had in a long time. Hope we can keep that going!
Also going to dish additional kudos to the dwarven community for making Bufflin feel more at home and getting him involved with their community. Can't wait for the next romp!
Kudos to mcp for ongoing evil events.
As another of Emerwyn's various strong-willed ladies has left the land of Narfell, I'd like to thank everyone who was part in her development as character and made her fun and unique to play.
Scarlet in truth had been around for a longer time than most know, and she went by other names in the past. Like the chameleon she was, she blended in with the times as they changed, and in the end she found that she had a amassed a fortune that could provide her with a life of commodities and luxury for the rest of her days. We can say that while she never aimed to be a hero or a villain, she was successful in meeting her own goals, and now she can rest easy knowing that she earned her retirement.
And much of it was thanks to the people she sorrounded herself with, so a special thanks goes to them!
More Emerwyn's Girls coming up in the future! Or I might surprise with a guy for a change.
Yarr, kudos to everyone at the auction, a stellar example of how a fun time can be created without DM presence! Apologies again for the delayed start, though.
A big kudos to everyone who went on the Cold Caves trip this evening - I had a blast.
And a special kudos to DM Squirrelcaster who spiced things up with the dreaded Dead Ore clan. :ninja: :ninjadart:
Kudos to Emerwyn (Scarlet) and Karnivorrr (Sabre) for a fantastic auction!
There were lots of interesting items and a motley bunch that Z rarely gets an IC chance to associate with.
Kudos to everyone - it was a lot of fun!
More kudos to CB and the fanatical four dwarves for a late Sunday romp through the gnoll woods, who proved again victorious against the gnoll who was fed way too much spinach! Always a blast having spur of the moment trips spiced up a little.
First the kuo-toa, now the gnoll. I'm starting to think Bufflin is a magnet for over-sized brutes!
Agreed, another one of BR's very interesting cinematic events. A perfectionist down to the finest detail and a joy to play with.
Bloody roaring kudos to Bloodyroar.
I spend days getting "Loaded for bear" to be ready for a big scary event, against big scary bads, and come prepared for a fight⦠only to have to use my brain to get through it instead!
I've always loved events like this. Thanks for keeping us on our toes!
Kudos to Bloodyroar for the Mor'Salen event and kudos to Clownbaby for some late night dwarf action!
Hear hear! Even without the big uh-oh at the end, that event was nerve-wrackingly intense. This ~really~ sets the mood for what's to come⦠8O
Kudos to DM Bloodyroar & players for Mor'Salen fun.
β¦ another part of the plot.
Kudos to Clownbaby and the daring dwarves (+Shes) for a fun afternoon of giant bashing and the hysterical follow-up drink off for the one ring! ^_^
More kudos to the Clownbaby! Oodles upon oodles of fun with dwarves vs giants, and later, dwarves vs dwarves in hilarious drink-off for the treasure! xD
Clownbaby kudos as above, for the Druid-flavored fun additions, too. Yay AE ^_^
Ew Bulette drool!
Kudos to Clownbaby for stirring some unexpected excitement on a regular ole Thursday evening! I loved the giant stone fist, just a shame there was no Nica petrification trouble. xD
Kudos to Thurgood yet again, without him the forums would never run properly. (Problem seems to be solved) We all owe you large buddy, you the man!
Echoing Karni's kudos. Was a great weekend of events filled with laughs and tense moments. It's days like those that keep me hooked on Narfell.
Huge kudos to DM SquirrelCaster for another action-packed adventure into the frigid mountains.
And kudos to the adventuring party, as well. Despite having a ton of RL work to do, I'm glad you were able to drag ol' Z out of the craft hall to help you on your quest. I had a blast.
Seconded kudos from Karni's post, above.
The total unexpected (And my first) Squirrelcaster event was hilariously fun, a little scary, and satisfying to the core.
Thank you!
The intrigue from Bloodyroad has me on my toes, and I can't wait for more.
What a good weekend. ^_^