
  • Well deserved KUDOS for the demon event.

  • Kudos to DM Serendipity for a demon-packed weekend, keeping me and many others on our toes at nearly all times - well done for both the random little scares and the larger scale events!

  • I finally got a chance to explore the crypts in Blackbridge. Kudos to those involved in creating it.
    What a beautifull map.

  • Legion

    To whoever it was that brought in the bottomless cantrip feature - You're the best!

    Seriously, lasers all day! So cool.
    alt text
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  • @its_a_fire said in Kudos:

    @karnivor said in Kudos:

    Belated kudos to DM Serendipity for last week's big wallopping demon bash - seriously tough yet well balanced for our party, keeping every PC on their toes and well baited for the juicy mystery awaiting at the end. And another heaping of kudos goes to DM Xanatos Gambit, for treating PCs to almost the exact opposite in yesterday's session: 0 combat yet keeping it fun for all with unexpected twists and a rich, moving story content. I really love getting all the flavours of Narfell into my week of gaming, from high stakes, combat intensity, mystery and intrigue, to silly fun and sudden tears infront of the screen.

    Hear hear, to all that! The demonic unveiling was delicious. That party was an impressive feat of characterization and DM client skill. And Sunday, despite my character's blank exterior, I was tearing up the second Damian said the word daughter.

    +1 thanks for the emotional agony

  • @karnivor said in Kudos:

    Belated kudos to DM Serendipity for last week's big wallopping demon bash - seriously tough yet well balanced for our party, keeping every PC on their toes and well baited for the juicy mystery awaiting at the end. And another heaping of kudos goes to DM Xanatos Gambit, for treating PCs to almost the exact opposite in yesterday's session: 0 combat yet keeping it fun for all with unexpected twists and a rich, moving story content. I really love getting all the flavours of Narfell into my week of gaming, from high stakes, combat intensity, mystery and intrigue, to silly fun and sudden tears infront of the screen.

    Hear hear, to all that! The demonic unveiling was delicious. That party was an impressive feat of characterization and DM client skill. And Sunday, despite my character's blank exterior, I was tearing up the second Damian said the word daughter.

  • Belated kudos to DM Serendipity for last week's big wallopping demon bash - seriously tough yet well balanced for our party, keeping every PC on their toes and well baited for the juicy mystery awaiting at the end. And another heaping of kudos goes to DM Xanatos Gambit, for treating PCs to almost the exact opposite in yesterday's session: 0 combat yet keeping it fun for all with unexpected twists and a rich, moving story content. I really love getting all the flavours of Narfell into my week of gaming, from high stakes, combat intensity, mystery and intrigue, to silly fun and sudden tears infront of the screen.

  • Legion

    Thanks to DM Serendipity (whoever you are?) for attempting to rope Marty into something this morning.

    I'm so sorry I couldn't stick around. 7am is when my family wakes up and starts bugging me for breakfast. I can sometimes log in for a quick bit of RP or farming, but you caught me just as they were all emerging today. Mrs Kayleb started giving me grief over the dishes that I was supposed to finish washing last night... it was just a bad time.

    Real shame. I had some zinger lines up my sleeve ready for the RP too. Maybe next time.

  • Kudos to DMs & Devs for their hard work, for their precious time spent on making narfell better and better.

  • Kudos to DM Gonnar and DM Serendipity for help with Isendir's enchants.

    ... 🙂

  • Legion

    I'd just like to add to what's recently been said - Devs keep doing a great job here. Bloody brilliant work!

  • I've been around only a while and it's mind numbing how the Dev team has been this responsive and ready to make Narfell more fun and interactive. Echoing the big kudos for all the work they do, sometimes without even being noticed. 🙂

  • @drdreadlock said in Kudos:

    @dorakhan said in Kudos:

    Kudos to @Seisan for all of his dev work but especially in the most recent months. The RLG extensions have really given new life to the server's PvE "game" and the player/DM tools are fantastic.

    After having tested out some of the new commands that Seisan has done on the DM side of things. The RLG changes and just for his willingness to help when someone (Me) is stuck on something.

    To all you Devs who make the server improve on a daily basis, you all do an amazing job. Kudos to you all. @its_a_fire @Lence @Goddess-of-Spite @Seisan @Dorakhan @tpickles


    The advances being made this last year alone are mind-bending âš¡ âš¡ âš¡ âš¡

  • @dorakhan said in Kudos:

    Kudos to @Seisan for all of his dev work but especially in the most recent months. The RLG extensions have really given new life to the server's PvE "game" and the player/DM tools are fantastic.

    After having tested out some of the new commands that Seisan has done on the DM side of things. The RLG changes and just for his willingness to help when someone (Me) is stuck on something.

    To all you Devs who make the server improve on a daily basis, you all do an amazing job. Kudos to you all. @its_a_fire @Lence @Goddess-of-Spite @Seisan @Dorakhan @tpickles

  • Kudos to @Seisan for all of his dev work but especially in the most recent months. The RLG extensions have really given new life to the server's PvE "game" and the player/DM tools are fantastic.

  • Banned

    Big Kudos to Dm Bastage.

    Miwa was with Leogg, Samwell and Thau'lira just outside the firegiant areas fighting Creel when one disarmed her and the sword seems to have fallen between terrain and walkmesh or something. It disappeared.

    Dm Bastage not only replaced the sword; He added a wonderful story to its description. A big thank you and kudos.

  • Kudos to Gogs, Miwa, and Isendir for the rescue mission in the middle of the night!

  • Kudos to DM Underhill and the return of Wheel! Of! Chicanery! As usual my brain is made of teflon upon which facts slip off when I need them the most, but I still had loads of fun! 😄

  • Kudos to DM Lazarus for an intensely terrifying event - and to the rest of Isolde's Suicidal Five for daring to go along on what she herself admitted wasn't so much a plan as a wild stab in the dark. At least those haughty vampires can't accuse them of being chicken! ✊

  • Legion

    Kudos Jazz -> Nico for taking Marty out on a run through giant country. I don't get to run with other players often, so this was a real kicker for me. Thanks for the company!