Random Narfell Tips Thread!
Rogues are crap, never buff them! Give all buffs to front line warriors instead and hope the enemy's AC is low enough in the back line that rogues can hit them with inferior AB!
…In all seriousness, help your friendly neighborhood dex users. If your uber buffed front line falls, then the rest are completely defenseless.
Tired of the puny size of your weapon?
Want to increase the size of your helmet?the part of playing a halfling with the large phenotype that always bothered me is that the weapons always seemed too small, and the head shrinks when you put a helmet on to the point where it looks totally silly.
To fix it I did this:
- Go into the "2dasource" zip file in your NWN directory. This is loaded with a copy of the .2da files that make NWN work.
- Open "appearance.2da" using note pad.
- Fiddle with it. You will see something that looks like this:
- You'll notice that human sized characters have a weapon scale set to "1". Half orcs are "1.3" and halflings are about "0.7". Fix up the numbers to make your weapons as big or as small as you like. I found that humans and elves with weapon size over 1.1 look a bit silly, so unless you're into crazy manga style weapon sizes I'd suggest 1.1. You can also modify helmet size the same way.
- Go to "SAVE AS" and save a copy of this edited appearance.2da file into your NWN "Override" folder.
Just keep in mind that you will be the only one who can see these changes. If you want to go back to the default weapon sizes just delete the appearance.2da file from your override folder.
Another good thing to keep in mind is that your shield size also increases with your weapon size.
[[i:49423f69f9]EDIT: Included the all important final step of going to SAVE AS and saving a copy of the .2da file into your override folder.]
Just edited this tip to include the important final step of saving the 2da into your override folder.
Marty with helmet and weapon size at 2. Yeah that's better!
Tip: Remember, always, that your are not your character. Things that happen in character is like what happens in a TV show, when the director shouts 'cut' you are you again.
You know how you can move by pressing WASD+Q/E OR with the mouse? Well, you can also bind a key to specifically WALK FORWARD, which is basically W but only walking. This is super super useful for carefully entering combat, because you have complete control of your movement and won't trigger attacks of opportunity. I personally like to use T (and unbind R for rest, because… that can go badly).
Tip: It is clear that players like DM attention, but DMs like player attention too. DMs put a lot of effort into what they do, and a lot of the time the only reward for them is seeing players taking their plots seriously, enjoying them, and making an effort to see them solved.
A player that makes no effort to further plots and only logs on at event time to collect the loot will often find herself having a harder and harder time to be taken into account for both the plots and their rewards.
Tip: After IC controversy, a friendly OOC tell is often appreciated to ensure the other player that there is no grudge or anger outside of role playing. I know I have always felt much better about IC arguments when I know with certainty that the player behind the character is happy and enjoying the RP.
Tip: It's probably been said before in this very thread, but it's not OK to play "roleplay police". An OOC message to someone regarding the way they're playing their character is both unfair and potentially hurtful. Play nice!
Try to avoid creating a "Mary Sue" character.
Check out: MARY SUE
- Work some believable flaws into your character that are actual flaws.
- Share the spot light.
- Put effort into making sure other people are enjoying their own characters.
A neat discussion about this that's worth a read:
Tired of the puny size of your weapon?
Want to increase the size of your helmet?the part of playing a halfling with the large phenotype that always bothered me is that the weapons always seemed too small, and the head shrinks when you put a helmet on to the point where it looks totally silly.
To fix it I did this:
- Go into the "2dasource" zip file in your NWN directory. This is loaded with a copy of the .2da files that make NWN work.
- Open "appearance.2da" using note pad.
- Fiddle with it. You will see something that looks like this:
- You'll notice that human sized characters have a weapon scale set to "1". Half orcs are "1.3" and halflings are about "0.7". Fix up the numbers to make your weapons as big or as small as you like. I found that humans and elves with weapon size over 1.1 look a bit silly, so unless you're into crazy manga style weapon sizes I'd suggest 1.1. You can also modify helmet size the same way.
- Go to "SAVE AS" and save a copy of this edited appearance.2da file into your NWN "Override" folder.
Just keep in mind that you will be the only one who can see these changes. If you want to go back to the default weapon sizes just delete the appearance.2da file from your override folder.
Another good thing to keep in mind is that your shield size also increases with your weapon size.
[[i:05adfcb12e]EDIT: Included the all important final step of going to SAVE AS and saving a copy of the .2da file into your override folder.]
adding on to what Kayleb said
if you use True Strike the bonus will apply to all your attacks that round, so activate true strike and then use whatever means possible to get as many attacks as you can. dual wield, haste, rapid strike, rapid shot, etc. also activating feats that decrease your AB will be countered by the true strike so you can trigger heavy hitting feats like improved knockdown or power attack
also, True Strike has no somatic component so casters can cast it in armor, even if you are only a lvl 1 arcane mage you will have access to the spell
Dual wielding makes you look cool.
But you're missing the AC of a shield, and your blows suffer a -2 at best.
One cool thing about HASTE is that the bonus attack doesn't count dual wielding penalties!
So even if you have no dual wield feats, you can go with a weapon in each hand, chug that potion of haste, and get one attack that's as good as if you were attacking single handed. Your other two attacks will be rubbish, but if you normally only had one attack per round that's not so bad. And the +4 AC from haste makes up for your lack of shield.
You're still not amazingly effective, but you'll look so cool!
If you are going to roll a rogue, at the git go start Roleplaying, because somewhere down the line your biggest source of income is going to be odd jobs and intel that other toons are looking for, and it's an ample oppurtunity to make some easy cash if you have contacts throughout narfell.
When sneaking past monsters don't use your tracking tool or your Gnomish Positioning Scroll. Especially not when you're surrounded by Kuo Rogues.
Seriously. Don't do it.
When playing a wizard 3 feats you will absolutely want are Extend, empower, and maximize.
Invis + sneaking skills together make for one of the best scouting techniques
Are you too manly or stricken with poverty for a proper ranged weapon? Throwing axes pack quite a punch if you've got a strength bonus and they only cost one gold!
Be like Lyla Kane and leave hundreds of tiny axes in your enemies and the surrounding terrain! You're like a warrior and a ranged lumberjack all in one.
Invest in invis potions for when you reaaaaly need them, also remember to use them as absolutely last resort
Shoot on the run!
If you're playing a ranged character knowing this can really save your bacon. While running, count off six seconds, take a shot at whatever is chasing you, and keep running. Keep in mind that you take the shot AS SOON AS YOUR AVATAR STARTS TURNING TO FACE THE TARGET. So as soon as you see your character start to turn, click away and keep running. You don't have to stand and wait for the avatar to finish the shooting animation.
Tip: Try to keep tips about how to play characters based on RP choices to a minimum, as those things are usually personal choices that are not necessarily supported by the DM team and can coerce or conflict with other people's personal choices that are just as valid. By "consecrating" your RP choice as a tip, you can potentially offend others who think differently.
Example of a good tip: A potion on your corpsebag is useless. Drink potions that can prevent you from creating a corpsebag!
Example of a bad tip: RP catching a breath now and then, it's unrealistic to fight for hours without catching a breath. After running more than two maps in a row, you should RP panting.
In short - don't tip others about how to play their characters, even if you're making sense. Nobody likes being told how to play their character.
For general RP tips and helpful guides about roleplay, we have plenty of DM sanctioned stuff in both The New Adventurer's Inn and The Tome of Knowledge.
Come on guys, keep it fair and this thread can become really useful.
Tip: Don't be a miser when it comes to potions. Healing or otherwise, always spend your gold where you're weakest.