Dwarven Drinking Contest!
Aura Runedar is hosting a dwarven contest at the Tuck-Me-Inn! All dwarves and honorary dwarves are welcome to compete in the drinking, wrestling, and hin throwing contests! The winners will receive one of a kind prizes that are guaranteed to make any dwarf the envy of his clan! All previous title holders are required to compete or they forfeit their title to the new victorious competitors!
//Event to start roughly around 4pm EDT, or 5 hours from now. Just post your available time if you'd like to make this event.
Jonni should be around as an honorary dwarf!
Current wrestling/hin tossing champion Legan Axcleln will be present.
Gnarl can smell a drinking contest anywhere along the Nars, and so he is planning on being there. He knows though, that he is up against tough competition with Brumir and Beorn.
Gnarl Horst played by Gatlord
((I can make that time! Although my dwarf is festively challenged… ))