A Message to the Elves of Narfell

  • Words, spoken in hushed elven, make their rounds in shady pubs and dark corners. There is talk of the waning power of elvenkind in the lands of Narfell, and the encroachment of humans into even the deepest of forests. Something must be done…...quietly. A silent call to arms is made. The call is not shared with the reputable elves of the land, for though they mean well, they are not willing to do what must be done. Deep in the woods, were one to know where to look, a tree would be found. A tree with the image of a skull, cleaved in two by a blade, burned deep into the bark. Any elf proud enough, courageous enough, is urged to seek out a female elven wizard, dressed in purple. Together…we are strong!

    ((Looking for 4-6 ACTIVE elven characters with at least once a week involvement. Non-lawful and either neutral or evil. No clerics allowed! We can expect to have some fun thrown our way! If interested please reply, and/or contact Void-Image IG (Ragnar Gloirin/Elvadriel Gal'awen) 😄 ))

  • Alvaniel has heard the rumors and she will be very interested

  • Legion

    Keen to jump in with Movalyn! Once per week shouldn't be too much of a stretch depending on what time we play.

  • Due to many recent developments I'd like to at least put Yngdír down as a possibility.

  • Should be an interesting one! Can't wait to see how this all develops. 🙂

  • @35bf72f223=Voight:

    ((Non-lawful and either neutral or evil. No clerics allowed!))

    You just excluded both of my Elves. xD Guess I'll just roll another one… I don't have a proper ranger yet, after all...