Gypsy Camp Forum Use

  • This forum is currently being used like any of the other Town forums, which I would like to see change.

    1. Making posters that the general populace would see in the Camp from non-camp members will not be accepted. If a notice is posted on a tree or in a public area, it will immediately be ripped down (i.e. deleted).

    2. The Gypsies (aka, Romani or Rom) are a very sharp eyed and saavy folk. They notice outsiders a mile away and are VERY suspicious of them. So sneaking into the camp to observe things is like trying to sneak into a bank vault. This is not a town, but an extended family where everyone knows each other. Keep that in mind when posting in here.

    3. The Gypsy Pass is like a store front in a bad neighborhood. The merchants, while friendly enough to do business, never trust thier outsider customers.

    4. If you are not a camp member, your character does not know ANY of the Gypsy Rumors (found here), and should not post there. It is the gossip that the camp members spread amoungst themselves and are VERY concious of not sharing camp business with outsiders. So if you are not a camp member, and did not DIRECTLY witness IG something that is posted here… DO NOT RESPOND TO POSTS FROM THAT THREAD.

    If I need to I can make this forum visible only to members of the camp, like a Guild Thread. And have a public forum of what outsiders would know of the Gypsy Camp, but I would like to avoid that if I can.

    If I come up with more guidelines for use of this forum, I will post them.

    Cheers and thanks - Kerby / DM SMOO