Hacking Algorithm.

  • i think i did advance to 2nd kyu rank in hacking.

    For those interrested:

    Simplest form of hack that takes over computer would include:

    • nmap port scanning,
    • service protocols understanding (HTTP, SMTP, …),
    • brute force / dictionary / similar attacks on username/password combination (via protocol),
    • buffer overflow attack or similar,
    • it can be done wirelessly after penetrating network that is easy to do, from technical point of view (there can be authentication of a client using access point, more or less advanced).

    enjoy, if You wish.

    in Karate rank system i'd give myself about 4th dan in programming & about 2nd kyu in hacking, currently. my ambitions in programming, hacking & writing secure applications are highest.

    to advance to 1st kyu in hacking, i need to:

    • Read SSL & TLS book of Eric Rescorla,
    • Understand at least most basic of service communication protocols (there are few, including HTTP & SMTP).

    i am thinking so far about Telnet, HTTP, SMTP, IRC, Kerberos, SMB, Facebook, Google Plus, deviantART, Skype, LinkedIn, BitTorrent, Pinterest, perhaps more.

    more advanced protocols often, if not always, consist of simpler protocols such as FTP or Telnet, i think.

    to advance to 1st dan in hacking i need much more, including many scripts/programs made by myself & 'proper combat practice'.