
  • i am no longer Virgo, now Sagittarius & Aquarius.
    Can't stand being abused anymore.
    Only beloved (i know which) can treat me as Virgo.

    please allow me to put this in forum signature, but not at all cost.

  • While I admit that it's possible what time of year a person was born might have some influence on their personality, I think it's exceedingly doubtful that the position of the Sun against the background stars of the constellations of the Zodiac has anything to do with it. On the day I was born, the Sun was in the constellation Ophiuchi.

    That's not what the Astrology charts say. They say I was born a Scorpio. But the Astrology charts were drawn up by Greek astronomer Ptolomey some 2000 years ago when astronomers believed that the Earth was at rest in the center of the Universe and the Sun, Moon, planets (5 of them), and stars all rotated around it in concentric circles. Since that time, the wobble in the Earth's axis has caused it's position against the stars to shift so that Ptolomey's charts are off by about a month and the Sun actually sits against the background of a few other constellations not in the original Zodiac.

    So if your personality doesn't seem to match the traditional Zodiac description, don't worry about it.
