Miracle meetings ...

  • Legion

    *Marty makes her way through Peltarch to what used to be city hall, but has now become an ad hoc palace. She leads a great white stag that seems to be following the scent on her glove. She carries two large Baskets and has garlands draped around her neck, one of flowers and one of sausages. To the guards that challenge her at the door … *

    Hello. My name is Martoushca Leaffall. His Majesty King George the First is expecting me. I'm to meet him and his wife the Queen. He told me that "time is of the essence." So if you could take me to him now …

    ((assuming the guards let her through. If not, will edit the following. Otherwise…))

    Once in the king's presence Marty bows in a low curtsy. She lowers her glove, making it seem as if the stag is bowing also.

    My Queen, my King, as commanded I have come before you as quickly as I could… "time being of the essence" and all.

    To invoke the miracle that will undo your infertility my Queen I've brought along two of the most powerful fertility symbols of my faith; The Great White Stag and she pulls a beaver out of the basket The Beaver. Now beavers are quite uncommon in these parts so… she holds her had up as if to silence words of gratitude … you're welcome. No need to thank me. Winona here is a visitor from the Silver Valley.

    Marty gently places Winona down and opens up the second basket revealing a very well fed rabbit.

    Now, this fella's name is technically Floppsy your Majesties. Alek of Norwick named him that soon after his birth on account of his floppy ears. But as you can see now that he has grown up his ears are quite erect. His name for himself is "Noibla the Devourer" … which is more appropriate not only on account of his rigid ears but also .. well ... he eats.

    Rabbits are very powerful fertility symbols, but the symbolism works best when combined with an egg. Now ... she carefully unwraps a green spotted egg .. this is a warbler egg. When it comes to eggs there aren't many more powerful when it comes to use as a fertility totem. Just … be careful with this one your majesties because ... well ... I don't actually know how old it is.

    Marty makes a skittering sound and nods toward the queen. The Beaver waddles over to the queen's side. Marty then makes a hooting noise and motions the Stag toward the side of the king

    Now like I said your majesties, the egg and the rabbit should be close together to increase the potency of the symbolism. I'm going to have to leave it up to you as to how you do that. I was going to make a little had for Noibla to perch the egg upon … but .. that "time is of the essence" meant that I had to delete it from my list of priorities.

    Now the actual rituals themselves we can do ... elsewhere ... to ... you know ... respect the privacy of y'majesties. As long as the symbols are with you the power invoked by the rituals will know where to find you. Oh ... I almost forgot... Marty reaches up to lay the garland of flowers around the Queen's neck. The garland of sausages being for the king.

    And speaking of rituals! … pauses and looks between them both I'll start organizing those right away!

    Marty finishes by giving a short bow, waiting a moment for the torrent of gratitude

    (The Great Stag, The Beaver, and Noibla the Devourer)

  • Legion

    *_After days of spell casting and chanting, Rarendel and Marty made the final preparations for the ritual that would hopefully grant the king an heir through his wife. The druids Brane and Vihn also joined in on the ritual, calling down the attention of the gods of nature.

    After the ritual Marty remains at the site praying. She doesn't leave, barely sleeping, praying under rain and sun and in the cold of the night_*

  • Legion

    In addition to her regular toil out on the fields south of Peltarch, Marty takes the form of an ox and drags four large stones up to the top of the hill where Chauntea was said to have stood. Once the stones are in place she resumes halfling form and begins to arrange them in a rough circle, three around the outside standing upright like pillars, and another large flat stone in the middle. The stone in the middle she props up on smaller stones to form a crude altar. She works into the night, and even from a distance the light of the magic she casts upon the stones can be clearly seen.

  • Legion


    What need me do? Is need something I fetch?

    Oh Rarendel! bows and performs a druid genuflection in greeting Aye, I think there is something that we need go get. Lets talk outside.

    *Marty bows one more time before leaving Town Hall/Peltarch Palace. Once they are outside she speaks in a hushed tone to Rarendel *

    What we really need brother is guidance. I'm pulling out every trick and ritual I have in my arsenal but I'm not sure it's going to be enough. This isn't some regular spell or blessing that we're after here. We're seeking a frick'n miracle.

    The first thing we need to do is seek the gods. Find out what needs to be done. What sins must be atoned for, what reagents need to be collected, which spiritual curses need to be broken. I feel like we're fighting in the dark here … with a broom ... against a jelly monster.

    Our first quest has got to be to get some guidance on this. We've got to do the rounds - round up all the help we can. This is going to be a big one.

  • Just as she turns to leave a young male walks in looking between them nervously. He looks to Marty with a slight nod then to the King a moment before speaking to Marty in a softer tone

    What need me do? Is need something I fetch?

  • Legion


    George lifts his brow a bit at all the animals, then nods

    "I thank you for your efforts, Martouscha. Let me know when the ritual is done."

    *before she leaves*

    Oh .. they will be an ongoing thing. We'll know when to stop petitioning for a miracle only when we have one.

    The farmer doesn't stop praying after he ploughs the field or sows his seed. He keeps petitioning until he reaps the fruit of his labor.

    So … you just let us know when the Queen is pregnant. Until then we'll keep doing our part to help bring this miracle down.

    awkward pause

    … We all need to do our part ... if you .. well ... if you take my meaning y'majesties.

  • George lifts his brow a bit at all the animals, then nods

    "I thank you for your efforts, Martouscha. Let me know when the ritual is done."

  • Legion

    as she's leaving

    Oh, and the beaver likes to stay wet, so maybe take her out for a paddle every now and then?

    May ye gods love and keep ye y'majesties.

    She bows in a deep curtsy before leaving.

  • Legion

    as she's leaving

    Oh, and the beaver likes to stay wet, so maybe take her out for a paddle every now and then?

    She bows in a deep curtsy before leaving.