OOC: New Suggestions

  • actually… i kinda like that idea... but I could see how many would not 😕

  • You need a masterwork weapon, and thats pretty easy to come by these days. But an XP boost would be nice, not that at my level I would feel it. 😛

    But we are having groups of 4th-6th level characters cleaning out the whole area and taking trees. Make them pay! Muuhahaaha! coughs

  • Greater Silk Spiders need an xp boost. They're very very hard to kill (Dr 10! Deadly poisons!).

  • Can we get a tougher spider or two in the deep Spider Forest? It is way to easy now with the increase in players at camp. And the harvestable trees out there should be some challenge to get to IMHO.

  • The new changes you done kick BUTT! Seeing the cows really made the place feel like home. Two of which Cotton help steal and named.. Moo Moo and Sue!

    WOW, that was almost a year ago RL, brings back lots of great memories. 🙂

  • @e1bc83bdac=tristan_durst:

    I think it was mentioned, and I think I quated it as well, scratches head but could it be possible to add Plot set Training Dummies and Archery Targets to the camp. Have it set up like a training area, like what the Silver Valley guards get.


    I didn't add those in yet on purpose. I hadn't forgotten about them.

  • Add a fence and gate.

    The gypsies have been at that location for something like twenty+ years, and it takes all of two days to make a good sturdy fence. They'd have done it by now just to slow down any rampant spider attacks.

    Thanks for lookin' into the place, Bri. If you're in the mood maybe you can toss in a few funny interactive elements like a dog that follows you around if you feed him, and gypsy children that beg for change while they pick your pocket (if you're from out of town)?

  • I am not sure why this is happening.

    There shouldn't be any Gali in the spider areas though, so if you have any recomendation on how to keep him from wandering out there please let me know.

  • Not really a suggestion but a concern for you Brian.

    More than once have I been out in the Hidden Pass and found Pendell walking around attacking spiders. When he reaches about mid screen, near the bridge leading to the Gremlin cave he turns into "Gypsy".

    After a while he will be found dead and people loot his body for his weapons and Gypsy Tunic. Not a big deal that part but…

    Here’s the thing that worries me, at times he appears hostile. I have had to kill him several times when this happens in defense of others and myself. Is this from lag? Or do we just get bugged now and then when near him? So we head back into camp and there is a chance the other NPCs will attack us.

    Also, Grag has been attacked by King Horgan out of nowhere, last night I was attacked by him as well.

    Just letting you know. 🙂

  • Ohhhh I like all your suggestion Tristan but moving the King, I like his presence know in camp where others can see him.

    But! It would be cool if he had some other new NPCs around him, perhaps his advisors, maybe Remmey and a new one or two.

    Can these clothes be scripted to only be wearable by those who have the oath in their inventory? If not every one will have them. Even if the merchants only show this selected inventory to Gali. I know the gypsies and they would buy them just to sell to Gaje at indecent prices 😉

  • I can make quick fixes to the camp, but for in-depth stuff like economy adjustments you will need a DM.

  • Thanks Brian, your the bomb! We all very much appreciate all the hard work you and the other Devs are doing.. But we love yas more cuss your working on the camp! 😉

    The Gnolls:

    11th level Cotton, 9th level Kaona and 4th level priest Quinton can wipe them all out and we make decent loot from it. They are difficult to deal with but thats the whole point. Hmm well that is 24 levels though.. Hmm.. I'll let you think on that one

    Now with that said, when we sell their gear in camp we get shite for it. But in any other towns we get more. Damn broke Gypsy merchants 😉

  • I will be working on some of these this evening when I get home from work.

  • Can the Communial Shack that we start in please, please, please, please be lighted?

  • Since Horgan has been updated, there is no one selling wines. Is it possible to get someone else to sell them now or is that already in the works??

    Geesh…Kaona is running really low on Romani wine… 😉

  • @9dd8998d6d=Gobbletom:

    If I am not mistaken River has been working/planning on some specific changes for the camp in the future. You may want to check with her concerning what exactly she has in mind for it.

    You are correct! 😎

  • If I am not mistaken River has been working/planning on some specific changes for the camp in the future. You may want to check with her concerning what exactly she has in mind for it.

  • looks around Umm.. Brian, thats River or HKB's job right? I will help if asked though. 😉

    As for my number one favorite suggestion in the whole line. Make the camp a starting point again. We are hurting like the dickens. Inner camp, outer, don't matter to me in the least.

  • For the next revision of the mod, I will be paying paticular attention to this thread. It should be mid January when I start making changes to the Camp. If someone can please do me the favor of organizing the requests here in order of priority I would appreciate it.

  • AN ECONOMY :!:

    One gold per spider bit barley keeps Cotton and many others in food and normal supply. The Gnolls are way to hard to deal with even at my level, "even" when we form a party of three or more levels 6 and up, we get our butts kicked pretty good. And the drops off the Gnolls are just not worth the risk.

    It would be great to have a "non-combat" way to make a living. NPCs who send us on errands ect.

    One sends us to find something in the inner or outer camp for a small reward.
    Sends us with an item or message for another NPC for reward.

    The possibilties are many and it would be nice to not have to go to Pelt for lizardmen, Rawlins for goblins or other areas in order to kill things and sell their loot for a living.

    Even if more critters were put around camp for us to deal with would be good, and better drops! Not meaning getting rich off them, but better than what is current.

    Just my :2c: