A Last Farewell

  • The Order's First Swordarm, petite paladin of Torm, Ashena Teroldys, spreads the word that she means to make a trip to Mintas Rhelgor to visit the spot where her good friend Shallyah fell.

    "A pilgrimage of sorts, a last farewell - it matters not what we call it. But since that last glimpse, those last few words at the shrine of Tempus, I have felt deep in my heart the need to see this place for myself, the ancient temple in which Shallyah took her last stand in the cause of that which is good and just.

    Tis my sincere hope that many of those who were unable to attend the ritual at the shrine of Tempus may now accompany me on this journey, to pay their own respects and mayhaps make peace with what I know is still a cutting loss. But anyone without dark intentions is welcome to join.

    We shall start our journey from the Temple of the Triad at the appointed time and date."

    ((This Sunday, October 12th, tentatively 8PM Central European time / GMT+2))

  • Legion

  • The Red Warrioress of Norwick approaches Ashena, informing her that she will, verily, partake in the journey.

  • ((Just a heads-up that this event may start a bit later than first announced, due to one player's work schedule. I'll have Ashena IG at 8pm regardless for RP and rounding up the volunteers))

  • Legion

    upon hearing of the pilgrimage, Marty expresses her interest

  • The bardess Helena shows interest in said journey.