A note appears in the city hall door...

  • the following is written in large letters onto velum parchment and nailed to the door of City Hall


    In the absence of a valid senate structure presented to the people for them to consider and "vote" upon, the following proposal is made.



    • Should be a citizen of Peltarch.
    • Should have been born in Peltarch, or have held citizenship for at least two score and four (24) years (2RL years).
    • Should not have been found guilty of any serious crimes (prison time) in Peltarch or any other recognized community in Narfell, or must have been acquitted and absolved from any serious crimes after a public hearing.
    • Should openly confess their patron god in a temple (triad or lighthouse) before a cleric of said temple casting truth magic and magic that detects evil motivations.



    • Senatorial Candidates should wear a Candidates Amulet at all times. This amulet will glow green in the absence of magic, and red when magic is cast upon the candidate or if the candidate wears magical items. This amulet is to be tested by members of the Cerulian Knights at irregular times.
    • The casting of Charm spells should be legalized during the election period. Cerulian patrols trained in the detection of magic should patrol Peltarch to detect, counterspell or dispell the casting of charms upon the populace.
    • Candidates are only allowed to make speeches or engage in public debate at designated times and places. Privately funded rallies, door to door campaigning, and other forms of electioneering should not be permitted. Posters and fliers should be permitted, but no more than one poster or banner per street, an no more than one flier per household per week.



    • The first seven Senatorial candidates "past the post" shall retain their seat for twelve years (1rl year).
    • Each Senator Should have one (1) official Adviser.
    • The eighth candidate in line to the senate may apply for the position of chairperson. If they do not wish to hold this position, the next in line may apply and so on. If no chairperson if found amongst the senatorial candidates, then the position shall be advertised and filled like any other administrative position in city hall. The Chairperson's duty is to
      • Conduct senatorial sessions
      • To maintain order in session
      • To organize administrative issues.The Chairperson has no vote and may not forward motions or resolutions.
        (the role of Chairperson could also be filled by a king, mayor, dark tyrant overlord or other potentate)
    • Each senator may request that up to two (2) Defenders be deployed as personal bodyguards. Unless the general can demonstrate how this would put a strain on forces deployed elsewhere, this request should be granted. A larger number of Defenders may be requested if the senator can show that there is a direct threat to his safety. Again, the general should only deny this request if he can clearly demonstrate to the senate how the deployment of these forces would put a strain on other Defender deployments and how diverting Defenders for additional senatorial security would put citizens at risk. Defenders deployed as bodyguards should remain under the chain of command of the Defenders and are not required to follow orders issued by the senator. They should be held accountable for the Senator's safety only.



    • During senatorial sessions, a senator may request the floor from the chairperson. Once granted, they may raise a motion orally, or draw attention to a resolution already submitted to the senate in writing. The motion or resolution should be presented in the following format:
    > **ADDRESS:** "Chairperson, fellow senators, in the light of the following issue, and in the interest of the people of Peltarch, I put forward the following motion (or submit the following resolution)"
    > **The ISSUE:** "The issue being this; (_state clearly the issue being addressed_)"
    > **The PROPOSAL:** "This being the case I, Senator (_state your name_), do hereby move that (_state clearly the proposed action to be taken to address the issue, resources to be redirected, assets to be deployed._)"
    > **The CONCLUSION:** "Thank you Chairperson, fellow Senators, for your ear and for your consideration."
    • Once the motion has been moved, the Chairperson asks for a second.
    • If another Senator is willing to second the motion, the Chairperson invites the other Senators to propose amendments to the proposal or to request clarification on certain points of the motion. The floor is only given to those proposing amendments or seeking clarification. Debate should not be permitted, or if so kept to a minimum.
    • If a Senator proposes an amendment, the Chairperson requests that the proposal be seconded. If another senator seconds the amendment, then it is voted upon. If a 2/3 majority vote is achieved, then the amendment is passed.
    • Once the Chairperson determines that no more amendments or points of clarification are to be made, the calls a vote on the motion. If a 2/3 majority has been reached in favor of the motion, then it is passed to the appropriate government department to be acted upon.
    • All votes require a quorum of 5 senators. One to raise a motion or amendment, one to second, and another three to form a vote of five. If, and only if, a quorum cannot be achieved, Senatorial Assistants may vote in the place of their respective Senators. In an emergency, If a quorum can still not be reached a six sided die is cast for each missing senator until a quorum of 5 is reached. A roll of 1 is against the motion, a roll of 6 is for it, and any other roll is an abstain. A vote should achieve a 2/3 majority in order to be passed.
    • In the absence of a Chairperson, the Chairpersons Assistant may temporarily fulfill the role. In his absence, the herald will take the seat of Chairperson. In an emergency, If no Chairperson, Assistant or Herald is available, the floor is considered open, and the vote is called by the senator forwarding the motion or proposing the amendment.
    • A motion or resolution should only be blocked if the Chairperson determines that there is a clear conflict of interest regarding the one forwarding the motion and the one seconding it. This determination must be clearly communicated and explained to the senate. This decision may be appealed and reversed by a vote. The appeal may not be blocked by the Chairperson.
    • Sessions must be held in the public gallery. Only when the security of Peltarch is directly threatened by a public session is the session to be held in the inner chamber. The General and Magistrate must sign that the security of the city is indeed threatened to the point of needing a closed meeting.



    • If, at any time, a Senator, Senatorial Assistant, Chairperson or Chair's Assistant finds themselves in a position where they would be disqualified from becoming a candidate for a seat on the senate (see above), A senator may justly move that they be removed from the chamber. If the motion is passed, that senator must vacate their seat. This is the only way a senator may be removed from office - by senatorial vote.
    • A petition submitted to City Hall with two score and two (42) signatures may also be used to prompt a vote for the removal of a senator, Senator's Assistant, Chairperson, or Chair's Assistant.

    OOC// If we assume that any senator speaking has the nod from the chairperson, a time limit of 1 week to post seconds and amendment proposals, and another week for voting, there would be a two to three week maximum expected turn around on each issue raised in the senate.