Shallyah's Last Dance

  • _::The night was settling by the shrine of Tempus, when the High Priest of the Red Knight finished his incantations. The audience watched with expectation when a mystical fog raised from the ground, and from it emerged a familiar figure. The perfectly polished Demonbane armour gleamed dimly under the moonlight as the warrioress inside it leaned her Vaes'gururt on her shoulder. She used her free hand to pull from the visor of her helm to take it off, revealing her face.

    It was indeed Shallyah, the Warrior-Monk of Red Knight that had abandoned Toril a few tendays back in a fierce battle against a gargantual greater demon. Nothing had been known of her other than she left nothing behind but a holy symbol of Red Knight burnt into the stone, and her soldier dog tags.

    But she appeared almost splendorous, healthy and in perfect physical condition. Those that knew her closely would say that she even appeared younger than she was when she was last seen. The warrioress face was a serene semblance of peace, but there was also joy in it_

    • Greetings. - _she spoke clearly, her voice sounding quite like her old self, yet somewhat outworldly.

    Those that were gathered watched with mixed feelings. Amongst them, a beautiful and ever radiant Ashena of Teroldys called Shallyah's name, almost mumbling it as a single tear rolled down her cheek, while another beautiful woman, Shesarai, had a much harder time containing herself, tears flowing free like streams across her cheek, just like Walter, Shallyah's fiancee, who covered his face without possible consolation. In the other hand, General Theaon, Sergeant Yana of the Guard and the stalwart warrioress Albryanna kept a more serene semblance, while the rest that were gathered looked mostly surprised.

    Shallyah looked over the gathered ones with great joy, having been graced with an unique gift. At the time, she did not belong to Toril anymore, but she could at least talk to her allies, her friends, and her one true love one last time. Her strange smile, which used to be such a rare sight was now a constant in her face. It was not the overjoyed smile of a child that just received her favourite gift from her parents. It was a serene, knowing smile of someone who had no regrets, and felt comfortable with her company at the time. She looked back briefly, to notice the High Priest of the Red Knight keeping up his incantation. That reminded her of the brief nature of the gift she was granted._

    • I do not have much time for my duties call me - she spoke with soft tone - but I do not want to go without letting you all know that I am at peace and I am well. My mortal life ended in battle against greater foe, for good and just cause. That is greatest honour warrior like me can receive.

    Walter, Shallyah's love, watched from the crowd. At that moment a strong grief hit him again as he tried to say something, but whatever he tried to say was drowned in his own tears and sobs. He covered his eyes once again helplessly. Shallyah looked at him, trying to warm him with her reassuring smile to then talk almost directly to him.

    • Do not grieve for me, for I am well and safe. You know I would not be fit for desk job or any other place than battleground. Once my combat skills abandoned me with age, I would have only grown sad and frustrated. Perhaps timing was not most ideal, but we do not get to choose these things and we must all look forward without regret.

    Here I have a greater duty that I can carry out without constrains of time. Here I can fight to not give any inch, not one single second of respite to those that would see our world sink into chaos and ruin. Here I can meet my purpose in its purest form.

    At this time Yana, the monk that had shown Shallyah's first steps into the realm of the spirit, took a step forward.

    • To my only student …. I shed not tears, for you died with grace an honor. Just remember... open your mind, and pay attention. I have no doubt you have still much to learn - the petite elf smiled and winked at Shallyah, to which the warrioress answered with another smile of her own, dedicating her a few words.

    • Thank you Yana. You honour me.

    As Yana stepped back, others took her place, in turn. The stout dwarf, Gnarl, wished for Shallyah to find all she seeks in her new life, the elf Eilonna stated how Shallyah's example meant her greatest inspiration, the priest Elessar and General Theaon spoke of pride and honour having shared battle with her, and finding relief in seeing the warrioress with her goddess. Finally Shesarai managed to apologise to Shallyah between tears about the situation which led to Shallyah's departure. The ashen-haired warrioress then shook her head softly.

    • You did not grieve me, Shesarai. You should have no regrets. Nobody should. I am proud of having battled with you, I really am. I want to thank all of you who changed my life, and turned simple warrior like me into person capable of caring and being cared for. All of you who are here, and those who could not make it. Victoria, Allestor, Val, María, Cecil, all of my Defender partners… I could spend all day saying names, but I would be called back to my duty and this effort that is being made for me to be here would be wasted. Thank you my friends. Thank you.

    Lady Ashena, who had been watching it all with her hand pressed to her heart and her eyes filled with pride, took a step ahead with a clank of her armour, her heart filled with emotion as she spoke. - Allestor will kick himself for not being here.. Shallyah, know you were always more than a comrade in arms. You are loved.

    • You know the feeling is mutual, Ashena. - _Shallyah smiled warmly, nodding at Ashena with the complicity of two people that have shared much and have gone through much together, as the First Swordarm of the Order of the Divine Shield stepped back with teary eyes.

    It was then when Walter finally gathered the courage to step forward himself, with his arms outstretched, and his face overflown with tears. That moment that Shallyah had been awaiting herself, every second that she had been there. Walter spoke first, his voice torn and almost desperate._

    • Just stay a while, please. Just… I...

    In that moment, Shallyah turned to Walter. For her the world stopped spinning at that moment, and there were no wars to fight, no battles to win or lose, no worries and no fears. It was just Walter and her, in the least private two-person world ever. She spoke to him, her tone warm and personal, her grey eyes filled with affection.

    • Walter. My dear Chosen One. You who taught me so much, you who made my heart beat and my legs shake like no dragon or demon did. You who held me with care, and brought me balance. For so many days you have been my first thought, as you were last thought of my mortal life.

    Walter, now you must be strong, and look forward. I know it will not be same as before, but you must keep going. You do much good to land, much more than you are given credit for, and many people depend on you. We talked about this, and that this could happen. You must not give up. You will never walk alone, Walter. If you crumble, I will crumble too.

    Find strength in memory of what we had, what we still have, because nobody will take that away, ever. Our paths took different directions, but my spirit will be with you in every step you take. I finally understood what you meant when you spoke of that magical "love" thing that you were never able to explain very well, that had me so confused. Now I can say without fear or shame, Walter.

    I love you, and I always will.

    Everyone could hear how the warrioress who had been regarded as emtionless and cold hearted opened her entrails in front of everyone to declare her undying love for Walter. To anyone, the word "love" could be just as cheap as anything else they could say to someone they held affection for. To hear Shallyah say it meant that the word held only its truest and deepest meaning, and most of those who were present knew that. Even the ex-senator Martoushca, whom Shallyah had repeatedly argued against and borderline disrespected, had a broad smile painted across her face.

    The Cerulean knight once again covered his eyes with his foreram as tears flowed wild, his heart breaking anew - I don't want to be without you! - he cried, begging to the gods and whatever powers beyond to not take from him the one thing that meant the world for him. Shallyah felt a painful sting in seeing him like that, but she needed him to understand that she could not stay. It was not up to her anymore. She pierced her grey eyes on him once again, speaking from her heart.

    • You will not be without me, Walter. I will be there. I will always be there. - but as if through irony of fate, Shallyah felt a tug. She instinctively looked back again as she saw the High Priest, his incantation losing momentum, a sign that her borrowed time in the Prime was reaching its end. She looked back to Walter, just as he spoke a few more words, choked on emotion, soft and genuine.

    • I can't Shallyah, it's breaking my heart just seeing you again I… don't make me say goodbye. We still had so much...

    Shallyah shut her eyes, doing her best to remain stoic - Listen, Walter, I have no time. My duty is calling me back… find Lycka, and ask her to lead you to my quarters. My belongings, all I left behind in this world, are yours. Share them with the Defenders and our allies, and keep what you wish for yourself. Walter, stay strong. Do it for us.

    Walter's chest heaved as the tears continued to flow, when he took a deep breath in an attempt to steady himself, wiping his eyes. He then gathered the resolve to speak through a shakey breath - You never danced with me at the Defenders' Ball. Spare me just one minute for that.

    Shallyah looked at him, suddenly feeling very guilty about having denied him a dance back in the day. But that she could give him now, or at least try. - I am not truly here, Walter. But… let's try.

    The warrioress moved her hands as if to rest on Walter's shoulder and waist, although it was futile, for neither of them could touch each other. While Walter looked frustrated, Shallyah did her best to pretend and keep going, dancing with Walter as if in a Ball. Shallyah had never been a great dancer, but she did have strong notions on rythm and battleflow that helped her move in fluid manner, following Walter's pace. A few whispers were exchanged then, only for the ears of both lovers.

    • My heart is yours, Walter. Keep it safe. We will meet again, one day. Until then, be strong. I need you to be strong, so I can be strong too.

    Walter spoke to her as he danced, wishing that moment to last eternally - I'll love you forever Shallyah. I'll pray for you every night, I swear. I swear I will… - _he could see Shallyah's loving smile before he shut his eyes for a moment to wipe more tears off them. It was but the fraction of a second, but when he opened his eyes back, his dancing partner wasn't there anymore.

    Shallyah, the Warrior Monk of the Red Knight, had been claimed back to the Red Tower in Warrior's Rest, where she would meet her purpose.

    Walter, through his pain and love for her, would have to find a way to return to his life, and make his great love proud of him. At least, the last he saw of her was her loving smile to him.

    Shallyah had chosen to give everything she was, everything she had to Walter. Her possessions, her trust, her love, and in her last moments in the Prime, she gave him too her last dance._

  • The end