Red Knight Assembly

  • ::An Assembly of priests of The Red Knight has arrived to Peltarch, asking the locals for knowledge on one Shallyah Rethshinei. They wish to meet any allies or friends said woman might have to pass on a message before they move on to the place where the warrior-monk departed to make appropriate verifications and then perform any necessary rites and blessings::

    //This will happen today, 20:00 GMT. With current daylight savings it'd be:

    15:00 EDT
    16:00 EST
    21:00 UK
    22:00 Central Europe

    Anyone is welcome, especially those that had any kind of relationship with Shallyah 🙂

  • Walter may be persuaded to leave the Sunite shrine/shop to attend this.

  • //Always the timezones!

    Just to make sure… 7 hours from this post.

  • Shesarai, who owes a debt to Shallyah's memory for being alive, dedicates herself to meeting with them.

    //OOC The EDT and EST times listed should be reversed. Eastern North America EDT is GMT-4 and EST is GMT-5. So EDT time for this event would be 4PM (1600) and EST would be 3PM (1500).
