History of Peltarch: Vol. 1-9
History of Peltarch: Volume 1.
Fistus Mixander, Gnome who Knows…
The man named Tidus, now called the Fisher King, was born to a poor fishing family located on the shores of the Icelace Lake. He grew up near the trading post of Peltarch, where the weather and the constant threat of giant attacks made life difficult. It was said that Tidus saw his life of constant toil as a form of slavery, and had decided he would break those bonds at his first opportunity.
The Icelake where he lived was notorious for its natural coves and inlets, perfect for smuggling and piracy. It was only a matter of time that Tidus fell in with a band of pirates and began spending his days harrying the ships of the Icelace.
To say that Tidus was a child of the sea is no stretch of the imagination. He quickly rose through the ranks, eventually taking over the ship when it was time for his captain to retire. He was considered by his men to be an excellent swordsman, a brilliant tactician, and a charismatic leader.
While much has been glossed over on the career of Tidus, it has been sufficiently shown that he was a fair man and honest man for a corsair. Each hand on deck was given one share of the revenue and one vote in determining their next course of action, himself included. The tale that he never killed a man at sea is an obvious exaggeration, however sources from the era make state in no uncertain terms that he went to great lengths to stop wanton killing and the slaughter of innocents.
During the years of the Giant Wars, Tidus had grown quite protective of the people of Peltarch. Despite his mistrust of Hoarsgate he allowed the city to send 6400 troops to aid in the fight. He went so far as to join and lead a group of soldiers himself, and proved to be a keen tactician on both land and sea.
Tidus led the army to victory, storming the very stronghold of the giants deep in the Giantspires and breaking their power forever. He returned a wounded man, having been struck in the thigh by a cursed blade. He took to carrying a staff to aid him in walking and began carrying a sword, which he had captured in battle. The war over, he docked his boat and retired, content to live his days in peace.
The treachery of Hoarsgate soon brought him out of retirement. The city, not wishing to loose their monopoly of trade to threats from outside or from within, maintained occupation of Peltarch. Their troops still numbering in the thousands, Hoarsgate ensured that trade would be maintained between the two towns, eliminating trade with any third parties. Having developed a strong sense of identity, the people of Peltarch saw this as an act of aggression.
Most critical of this act was Tidus himself, who still strongly believed in every man and woman's right to pursue their own destiny. Using his network of Pirates on the sea and his old comrades in arms on land, Tidus easily defeated the men of Hoarsgate.
One story that illustrates his military prowess details how he handled the reinforcements sent by ship from Hoarsgate. When 20 ships of fresh troops were sent, Tidus found himself desperately in need of catapult fodder. He used his catapults to send clay pots smashing onto the decks of the enemy's ships. Inside each pot was a large and apparently venomous snake. The men at the oars, seeing the snakes, leapt from the decks and drown in the Icelace. It was only later discovered that these snakes were harmless grass snakes, common to the area of Peltarch.
The reinforcements routed and the occupation force defeated, Tidus immediately offered each of the captured men a ticket home or the chance to start a new life in Peltarch. It is rumored that no men chose to leave.
In response to Tidus' victory he was proclaimed King of Peltarch. Often called the Fisher King because of his birth, he was considered a man of the people. His initial act as King was to set up the Senate and the Wavebreakers Guild, the first to ensure his people's political autonomy, the second to ensure their economic independence. He then abdicated all power, choosing instead the role of wizened councillor.
The Senate's first act was to allow King Tidus to keep his title for the rest of his days.
The image of his bearded face and athletic body bent on his staff was a strong one in the minds of the people for many years to come. Never overbearing but offering advice when asked, he became known as the Shepherd King and the Lame King, because of his staff he used to support his frame and the wound he had that would never heal.
On his death it is said that in his honour a day of silence was proclaimed. The Wavebreakers, many of them men and women who fought next to him, took his body and buried him with his trademark staff in a secret location. The day after his death the senate passed a bill legalizing the charter of the Seafarers.
((OOC: copied and pasted from the old Narfell wiki archive.))
((Is there any chance this can be pinned? It was copied and pasted from the old wiki to save the IC history of Peltarch.))
an excerpt from the historical treatise written by the mute songstress Val Kyrie concerning Peltarch's war with N'jast.
_There have been many wars over the centuries since the beginning of Dale Reckoning, but few, if any, can equal the long term destruction caused by the war that occured between the Nation of N'jast and the people of Narfell.
Officially, the war has its beginning in the assassination of King Golask the Obese of N'jast. When investigations were carried out to find who was responsible for the murder, the information they found pointed to several members of the Peltarch Far Scouts. The Peltarch Defenders knew that a cult of Cyric was working within the city and had been trying to root it out - it's quite possible that they were involved in this assassination attempt.
Diplomatic talks took place, but Peltarch refused to hand over those who had been implicated, and so war was declared between Peltarch and N'jast. Both sides made their preparations, and N'jast marched forth to the border of Narfell.
The N'jastian forces made their camp in the abandoned town of Ormpur, which had been run over by Frost Giants some years prior. However, in order to continue on their way to Peltarch, they would need to pass through the farming village of Jiyyd. Diplomatic talks took place, but the Jiyyd officials did not believe that N'jast would be content to simply pass through their town, and so refused them passage.
This action led to N'jast and Jiyyd going to war. In all likelihood, had Jiyyd not chosen to stand their ground and refuse N'jast passage, Peltarch would have fallen to the enemy forces and the war would have been resolved far quicker, although with very different results.
Jiyyd was defended by the Royal Troff Legion, led by Major General Grag and General Lyte Brigade. Other independant adventurers chose to aid them, including Ronan Redralen. Peltarch, while mustering their own defences, also sent their Archangel Division south to aid the defence, lead by Captain Neverith. The battle surged back and forth, but the might of N'jast was too much for the Jiyyd walls to withstand. The outcome was always certain, but the defenders made certain it was dearly bought.
During the defense of Jiyyd there were many actions taken, which would help to decide the outcome of the war in later days, including the self sacrifice of Solais Aran to bring many fallen defenders to life. Solais Aran, also know as the Lightbringer was a ancient spirit that helped his people escape Narfell during the fall of the Old Empire, protecting them from demons and the crystal collective. While the tribe’s fate outside of Narfell is mostly unknown, Solais remained here, working for the good of the world. There are rumours that he still acts for good, beyond the living, and that he interacts in some way with this world, but these can neither be confirmed nor denied.
Kara du'Monte, the then Paladin of Kelemvor was captured by the N'jastian forces in what turned out to be a ruse, for she then became their Grand Marshall, leading the N'jastian forces in their assault against Jiyyd and then Peltarch. It would later emerge that she had been corrupted by fiends quite some time prior to the war, and in fact was acting in league with them. These same fiends are also thought to be behind the entire war, having manipulated people to assasinate King Golask, as well as impersonating and replacing several notable individuals in Peltarch. She died at the end of the war, and is now a fiend in the service of the darkest powers imaginable, and her part in the destiny of Narfell is by no means ended.
Telli Thunden, the dwarven Priestess of Chauntea and Major in the Royal Troff Legion was given an order by Major General Grag to poison the river that provided the N'jastian forces with their water. She followed this order, and her goddess stripped her of her grace. Telli would labour for more than four years to recover the blessings of her goddess, but her actions on this day almost certainly cost the lives of many of her allies as the war continued. She did, however spend tens of thousands of her own coin to provide supplies for her allies, and fought without cease to defend Narfell, giving her own life at least once.
Dentin Strauss, a fanatical follower of Gond who had lived in Narfell for many years became obsessed with the armatures of the N'jastian forces and defected to their army. His prowess with the mechanical creations and skill as a priest led much strength to their army, but made him a marked man by almost all Narfellians. Dentin Strauss’ infamy includes the blowing up of City Hall and many days bombing of the city with so called “firecrackers”, bombs which set much of the city ablaze. Eventually, when the Lucky Ferret Inn was destroyed in a particularily harsh bombing (along with nearly everyone inside it), enough was enough. The Black Sails, irate by the destruction of their inn, initiated a raid outside the city walls to the N’jasti encampment, going for the Gondar’s blood. Despite casualties, the raid resulted in Aelthas bringing back Dentin’s severed head to the city. Somehow he was restored to life and later killed in lone action by Ronan Redralen. He would take these deaths as a sign that he should retreat, and did so, moving to N'jast with his wife and young son.
Major General Grag of the Royal Troff Legion was part of many heroic stands, assaults, and defenses, but his careless decisions have almost certainly been responsible for much of the suffering that occured during the war. It was his orders that led Major Telli to poison a river and lose her goddesses grace, it was his orders to detonate an Old Empire device in the ruins of Jiyyd which led to the opening of portals to the Abyss and the Hells.
There are many others who took part in the war on both sides, for good and ill, but these are the names most often remembered for their actions. Jerrick Rayfe, Martoushca Leaffall, Devlin Desario, Lyte Brigade, Z, Maya, and Benji are those who did much good, and still fight for the good of the people to this day, although perhaps in their own, unique way. For the path of the adventurer and hero is not straight, but meandering, following a different path for each.
In regards to the war between N'jast and Jiyyd. Norwick stayed neutral, refusing to become involved in the hostilities for good or ill, and thus many refugees from Jiyyd went there to shelter from the violence. The Bugbear King Ostromog took the opportunity to attack Norwick and test their defenses during this time, hoping to find some point of weakness through which to gain the town. He was, however, unsuccessful. The threat of Ostromog had then been ongoing for many years, and is likely a chief factor in Norwick’s stance.
As things grew more dire, Jiyyd was ordered to be evacuated. The N'jastian forces, enhanced by armatures attacked all those who left the town to try and cause as much chaos and death as possible. The citizens of the Silver Valley also evacuated, but they took more silent and stealthy paths, and so passed unnoticed by the attackers.
The Royal Troff Legion made the decision to cede the town to the N'jastian forces, but the Jiyyd refugees grew angry when they were advised of this, and after General Lyte asked them to put it to a vote and remove the citizenship of the Legion as a whole from the town. The vote was successful, and the Legionnaires left to continue the war.
Explosives were placed in what remained of Jiyyd, and the defenders fought long and hard, yet eventually the order was given to retreat. Benji set the fuses burning and was the last out of the town, ensuring that no-one was left behind. Many N'jastians died in this last hurrah of Jiyyd, and the valiant defense surely bought Peltarch enough time to prepare themselves properly.
The Legion and the other adventurers who were working in defense of the realm then moved back into the pass to stop the N'jastians making their way to Peltarch, whereas the N'jastians took up station on the Crossroads and the area known as Sams Hill. Slowly they fought their way north, every inch of land dearly bought, paid for in blood. Eventually though, they arrived at the walls of Peltarch, with armatures and siege engines. At the same time that they attacked the southern walls, a force of Peltarch defecters attacked with forces from High Hold against the western walls, and undead raised by the N'jast forces attacked through the docks.
Peltarch intelligence also caught wind of an emissary sent by N’jast to the fire giants to attempt to persuade these too to march on the Jewel. Lycka Zomasdottir was sent on a last minute diplomatic mission to the fire giant king, facing Kara herself in the king’s hall once having proven herself worthy of admission (duel to the death against a fire giant). By proving Kara a traitor, Lycka got the fire giants (who are very strict in matters of honour) agreement to a neutral stance in the conflict.
The Beshaban cleric Elissa apparently led some sort of rite inside the old prison, with the aid of a being who maskeraded as Magistrate Miranda Greywing. The result was horrific for both sides, as a wave of ill-luck washed out to cover the siege, causing the death toll for both Peltarch and N'Jast to skyrocket. Civilian casualties alone from this were in the thousands, and the true toll will likely never be known. Afterwards, Elissa vanished, generally assumed to have fallen victim of the fighting herself or fled the lands.
During this time, Aurilite raiders in longships, sailing under a banner of blue with a white snowflake, harrassed the shorelines of the Jewel. They were more than simple raiders though, they had come for the blood of "the pink knight and his wife" amongst others, the one live prisoner taken delivering dire warnings and death threats. Also, a second naval threat destroyed the majority of the Peltarch navy. These Icelace pirates also sported a blue flag,
The defenders were forced to fall back to Defender HQ to make their final stand, the city around them burning and broken. Thanks to the efforts of the Spellweavers Keep and a powerful wandering wizard named whose name has been lost to history, a portal was opened up to enable travel between Peltarch and Norwick, helping the defence immensely. It was at this time that the bard Lycka Zomsdottir found a way to disable the armatures, although at a very high cost. The land of Narfell would be ripped in half, the glacier nearby melted, and the menhir system disrupted, but it turned the tide in the battle.
The defenders could finally fight back, and the N'jastian forces were forced to retreat, some heading back to Jiyyd, others fleeing by sea. The N’Jasti general finally surrendered after the battle of the docks in which persons such as Attentus, Cerulean Knight Kenton Seth, Far Scout Sierrah Ju’ent and numerous members of the Black Sails played an important role. Finally, the undead Eastlanders were cleared from the sewers in a long and gruelling fight, Ronan replacing Attentus as the flashy sorcerer by that time.
It was at this time that Major General Grag used the old Empire device that he had somehow acquired to blow up what remained of the N'jastian forces, utterly demolishing Jiyyd and opening multiple portals to both the Abyss and the Nine Hells.
The few N'jastians that survived this hellish blast ran for their lives. Dentin Strauss had already left the realm, but Kara du'Monte remained. She awaited the Narfellians in the remains of Jiyyd, wanting to help them in their attempts to close the portals. Many of those gathered would not accept her aid, however, fearing some sort of deception. Some took up weapons to fight her, and Celestials came down to join the fray. The battle for Narfell finally ended with the death of Kara du'Monte, slain by those she had once called allies.
The Druids of the Circle of Quercatha Terr enacted a powerful ritual to seal all extraplanar creatures within the ruins of Jiyyd, so that they could not spread to the rest of the realm, and the larger portals were closed. Demons and Devils still fight in the ruins there, although there are some who still are trying to cleanse the former battleground and return it to the goodly people of the realm.
And so ends the story of the N'jast War. By no means is this a complete account of all the actions taken during this event, for to record such would take an entire library of books. Furthermore, the results of all actions taken during the war have not seen the light of day, and there is likely to still be more revealed as the years go on._
History of Peltarch: Volume 9.
The Curious Incident of Senator Syne
by Bunty Glibwit, In the Service of Oghma
The Beginnings
Modern analysis of demographic data suggests that Syne Bloodmist was born in Peltarch during the glorious reign of Tidus, the Fisher King. During that Golden Age of Peltarchian manly virtue, before recent retrograde steps into effeminacy, one may be assured that the young elf lived in peace, harmony and the consensus of the common man, of common sense. Indeed, given the subsequent events it is this poor scribe's duty to relate, it is difficult to imagine what could inspire the Ultimate Syne to his acts of depravity in these simple, virtuous beginnings. It has been suggested by some parties that Peltarch at this stage demonstrated racial differentiation, and the youthful elf in some measure suffered for his elven lineage at the hands of an ungrateful Peltarchian population. This suggestion, however, may be hastily despatched with as a vile calumny, a mere apologia for the vicious and unwarranted acts persons of elven villainy have perpetrated against Our City's good folk. All will sense that Peltarch is and always has been a place of rare tolerance and native goodness in this unruly land.Census materials imply that Syne abandoned his city relatively early within his elven frame of reference. What activities he undertook during this period are unknown. Whatever his explicit pastimes, Syne returned demonstrating command innate powers of incantation and spellcraft during the earlier portion of the Senator Delvin Gelon Senate. Syne remained a sinister and elusive figure on the corners of polite civic society until he was appointed Inquisitor to fellow elf and Magistrate, Lady Aspera Chillwind. Under the auspices of that good woman of justice, Syne appeared to serve as a loyal servant of the city for many years. Capturing wanted criminals, his magic powers proved highly useful, each villain brought before our good justice lending this viper in our breast new powers of control and insight into his own corrupt potential. Although the good sense of any Senate would commend total suspicion towards such an outsiderish and fey creature, the misspent charisma and charm of the elven sorcerer bewitched the optimistic minds of the goodly Senators. Moreover, commending the malice of his point-eared villain, Syne was drawn towards the black flame of Sir Koreth, no doubt colluding with that man in matters mischieful which have not yet been fully brought to light.
However, Peltarch was deceived. Employing the villainous Zargothis, Blaggard and Murderer to undertake his Inquisitorial burden, Syne commits the twofold crime of fraud and deceit. Bungling Norwickians with partial knowledge of the elf's degenerate associations resulted in an increased hostility between that place and Syne, manifesting in the drawn daggers and spells of assassination and bounty. Syne evaded capture, if barely, no doubt by diabolical means. One well-documented event relates how the Inquisitor was cornered and nearly killed just outside Peltarch's walls. Only the city guard's intercession spared him the dusty comfort of a lawless but well deserved grave. Years passed and Magistrate Aspera mysteriously disappeared from office, some have suggested at the advancing calumny of Sir Koreth. Her absence forced the senate to appoint a new Magistrate. Having reservations in working with the city after the new appointment, Syne resigned.
The Reign of the Hundred Senators
Having no political protection from his now numerous enemies, he vanished from public view, retreating to gnaw like vermin at the belly of the world, in darkness. Reappearing, Syne put himself forward as a candidate for the highest offices of the Senate. Although initially two seats had become available on the senate, dastardly murder struck. In the Commercial District, in the street in from of the Dancing Mermaid, Patron Saint of the Arts, Senator Myrie Makere was brutally done to death by a dark armoured figure.
Inside, Peltarch's first elven Senator, Shana Jel'aan met a similar, bloody death that knew no resurrection. Thrusting open the election to four seats rather than two, the wise electors of Peltarch declined to thrust the recalcitrant Syne into office. In preference, the goodly paladin of Helm, Sir Roland Brynmor, savvy merchant Nico Black, Adam Bromley, famed bard and rake and the traitor Koreth took their seats at the table of Senators.Senatorial office, however, is no protection for those who do not weigh their own lives with caution. In an audacious attempt to recover an artefact of power from a windblasted ruin of the old Nars, both Senator Ayanie and the relatively newly elected Adam Bromley perished, far to the south, without return. Thus, only months after the tumult and chaos of electoral proceedings, the Senate was left, staring at the two empty seats the first election had been designed to fill. It was around this time that a waggish bard quipped that "At the present rate, Peltarch would go through a hundred senators before the year was through" giving this most tumultuous period in the political life of the City its commonly-known title. Eager to restore structure to the Senate, options were canvassed to fill the posts. Certainly, after months of expense and discord, none had stomach for a further election and its inevitable destabilising influence upon the already shaken Senate. However, under the learned eye of the wise and insightful Clerk Glibwit, an answer was discovered. Years before, three Senators had perished moments after their election, expiring to plague during the acceptance speeches. The precedent for a second ballot election in document fragment VII.i provided the remaining senators with an answer, and recourse was had to those who came fifth and six in the total initial ballot held weeks before. Thus Evendur Mildsilver, the charismatic Magistratii of Azuth and Syne Bloodmist were elevated to the highest of civic offices.
"The Numbers" Case
He served as Senator of Peltarch for many more years after that, enjoying his political immunities. After many years of fateful service however, he again vanished from public view. Soon after his disappearance, the Civil War of Peltarch began. The craven Syne was never seen during this conflict. Even when the Senate was evacuated, the odious elven witch was nowhere to be found, presumed and hoped dead by those patriotic citizens determined to serve their city. During the months after the Civil War, gruesome murders began to occur in the dark corners of the city. In what came to be known officially and in the public imagination as "The Numbers Case", nine women and one unborn child were piteously and bloodily slain, a the carved roman numeral left in the mortified flesh each innocent victim. Given the predominance of female victims, the Guards postulated a sadistic sexual killer, or given the ritualised form, some sort of dark cult, however, no conclusive evidence was found at any of the nine crime scenes. In an atmosphere of increasing public hysteria, the murders suddenly stopped. Although pleased that the carnage had ended, the case seemed like it would remain unsolved - until one day.Suddenly, Syne appeared in the commons, garbed in his now trademark red and black robes, and announced his guilt to the Numbers Murders, asking to be put behind bars as soon as possible. The case file was documented by Magistrate Asbravn, indicting nine counts of murder with aggravated circumstances and defilement. Presided over by Magistrate Barrim Asbravn, Senator Delvin Gelon, Senator Rath Ashald, Senator Torin Bravickus & Senator Evendur Midsilver, the trial was undertaken under a pall of public outrage and curiosity. Under hightened policing arrangements, the former Senator was arraigned. Primary evidence was taken from then Captain of the 14th Corps, Cerulean Knights, Anakore. An elderly relative of one of the victims - whose name appears to have been lost in subsequent clerical re evaluations of documentary relevance - was then called to the stand to corroborate the account of the good Captain. The virtuous fishwife gave her statement with understandable difficulty. The trial was plunged into disorder, however, when upon approaching Syne, the woman expired, for reasons unknown. Syne, his porcelain features seemingly unmoved by the spent cadaver which fell before him, proceeded to describe his murders in terms lurid and vile and properly suppressed by the Senate to this day. Scant details remain a matter of public record, detailing no less than thirty unlawful deaths perpetrated by this depraved elven creature during his time in the region across the geographic scope of Peltarch, Norwick and the drunken camp of the Romany Gypsies.
Quite properly, the tribunal resolved that Syne would burn for his villainous activities and at the wise and informed behest of the savant Senator Evendur Mildsilver, that his whitened ash should be strewn wheresoever his degenerate parts should not meet one another. Never again should Peltarch be forced to treat with such as he.
Execution & Alleged Subsequent Activities
However, observers report that upon execution, the former senator transformed into a wolf-like beast even as the elf Syne expired before the eyes of assembled judges and onlookers in execution area under the High Court of the Magistracy in the Civic District. Fire taking his corrupted and foul physical form, paying him back tenfold for the tenfold Peltarchians he had so unlawfully slain, the forked-tongued Syne fell into oblivion. Reports that another unknown figure materialised before the execution itself, cowled and robed in red, have been grossly exaggerated and is understood by the present author simply to have been some innocent prank of a cleric of Sune totally unrelated to the worthy death of the slime-souled wretch Syne. Moreover, those misguided and dangerous individuals who suggest that Syne ascended in some sense upon his death ought to take council with silence. Peltarchian justice does not miscarry. The fire-ground dust of ash does not sing like a bird but knows only the silence of oblivion.
For posterity sake, this author will report certain misguided individuals have claimed putative sightings of figures resembling the elf throughout the region. One of the more lurid and commonly discussed examples relates to potential involvement in the Eastlander War. Certain misguided individuals claimed to spot a figure viewing the battles from afar, and in one particularly laughable non-incident, imply that some manifestation of Syne took the form of a Fiend and had a brutal battle with Rass, red dragon of the Nars Pass. This scholar is certain that all right thinking and patriotic Peltarchians would dismiss such suggestions that he is currently still at large as dangerous and untrue. Nevertheless, the 'Curious Incident of Senator Syne' stands as a warning from history to trust not mysterious men. Glory in your common sense and common decency, and degenerates who harm you will be tipped into fiery dust by the good officers of the State. None can stand before the Senate and the People of the City of Peltarch.
History of Peltarch: Volume 3.
by Resse Eroldin, Keeper of the Archives
Peltarch's rise to its current position of control over trade and commerce in and around the Ice Lace Lake dates to the time of the Witch King of Vassa. During Damara's first war against the Lich King, and the subsequent civil wars following Damara's defeat merchants increasingly came to favour Peltarch as a stable and relatively safe city in which to do business.
Damara's defeat and civil wars also led to an influx of refugees seeking to escape the chaos, principally rich nobles and skilled craftsmen (those who could afford to travel) these immigrants increased the city's population and added to its wealth, their gold and skills cementing Peltarch's position as the principal city on the Ice Lace. Gareth Dragonsbane's unification of Damara led to a further influx of nobles as those opposed to his rule were forced to flee, this last influx continues to influence Peltarch's opinion of the Damaran Royal Family and some noble factions of the city are said to covertly support Damaran opposition to the monarchy, which after three generations still struggles for the loyalty of the Damaran people. Dairus Dragonsbane current King of Damara is said to be trying to rebuild Damara's trade and to rally the people behind the crown.
History of Peltarch: Volume 2.
By Fistus Mixander
The complex history of Peltarch can best be understood by looking at the development of its major guilds. The importance of The Seafarers, The Wavebreakers, and the Blood Spiders in the city's direction and temperament cannot be overstated.
The city's very founding, in the 947th Dale Reckoning, coincides with the founding of its first and most ancient guild, the Wavebreakers. The city had originally been an outpost owned by powerful trade houses in Hoarsgate, its sole purpose to line the pockets of its investors with gold from the barbarian tribes. Its independence hard won; King Tidus well knew that as a fledgling democracy, Peltarch was susceptible to outside political and economic forces. To ensure the city did not fall back into the hands of absent masters he created a guild of loosely organized pirates and sea captains called the Wavebreakers. The guild's purpose was to keep sea lanes open, protect local merchants, foster free trade and competition, and combat outside interests that could negatively affect the city. In a move that was more symbolic than anything else, he presented The Wavebreakers with his sword as a sign of their legitimacy. King Tidus never had any heirs, and so the bulk of his estate was passed on to the Wavebreakers, his sons in name, if not in blood. The group's sigil is the sign of a red anchor on a field of white: the red to symbolize the blood of the sailors given in the fight for Peltarch's freedom, the anchor to symbolize their role as Peltarch's stability. In the early years of the city the Anchor flag was a common and welcome sight to legitimate merchants and traders sailing the sea-lanes of the Icelace.
During King Tidus' lifetime, his guild was extremely successful in meeting all of its goals, and soon the first wealthy families began emerging from the middle class. These families created the first nobility of Peltarch and many came to hold positions in the Senate as well as monopolize key commodities and services. Names like Makere, Bravickus, Snydders, and foremost Ashald, got their start in the early days of Peltarch, and have managed to maintain their influence on city to this day.
These families soon turned on the very organization that had helped them in their success. The Wavebreakers, while ensuring a free market and smashing monopolies, began to come in direct conflict with its own people. The threat of economic dominance began to shift from external sources, such as Hoarsgate, to internal sources, such as the Ashald family business.
After the death of the Fisher King, two families, the Snydders and Ashald, decided to pool their resources and become a legitimate guild in their own right. Seeing an opportunity to beat the Wavebreakers at their own game, the families used their influence in the Senate to ratify the charter of the Seafarers Guild in 967 DR. This guild's main goal was to protect the interests of the two families, allowing them to monopolize and corner the market in key commodities. Their symbol is a blue sword emerging from the waves.
On its exterior, competition between the two guilds was professional and friendly, in actuality the two guilds were fighting for dominance and their very existence. Eventually the Wavebreakers were forced to relinquish some control and share it fifty-fifty with the Seafarers.
In 1098 DR the Barbarians from the south, seeking to plunder the wealth of Peltarch, began full assaults against the city walls. Both guilds, being more apt to fight at sea then at land, became little more than bit players in the conflict. Up until this point, defense of the city had been mostly private individuals and groups with a vested interest in protecting their products. The Senate, realizing that a catastrophe was in the making, passed the Guardian and Defenders Act in an emergency session. The bill created two branches of the military, the Guard for threats at home and the Defenders for threats from abroad. The private town militia was quickly drafted into the new governmental organizations and set to the task of turning back the barbarian threat, the final blow coming at the Battle of Nars Pass.
After the battle, the city of Peltarch was faced with the moral dilemma of an overwhelming number of Prisoners of War captured during the battle. The barbarians had abandoned their disgraced comrades and refused to negotiate for their freedom. The Senate was reticent to free the men for fear they would simply regroup with their tribes to attack again. The Guildmaster of the Seafarer's at that time, Ruith "Red Blood" Snydders, convinced the Senate to grant him possession of the prisoners and dispense them as slaves. Washing their hands of the whole affair, the Senate granted Snydders request, in essence condoning the slave trade in Peltarch. Snydders took several of the more brutal and loyal men and used them as his own personal bodyguard. The rest he sold into slavery to the town of Hoarsgate and some whispered rumors that some slaves were even sold to the Giants of the Giantspires. The Seafarers, having tapped into a lucrative monopoly in human chattel, refused to stop with the sale of the prisoners, and began the dirty business of buying and selling.
While many in the city opposed slaving, foremost the Wavebreakers, it was over a hundred years until the practice could be stopped due to the Seafarer's immense influence on the Senate. It was around this time that a new guild began to be whispered about in the shadowy inns and back corners of Peltarch. At first only operating in complete secrecy, it quickly became known as the Blood Spiders, for their ritual tattooing of a spider on member's necks and arms. Coinciding with their appearance were several assassinations of key Wavebreakers and Senators who opposed the slave trade, though no connection was ever made public. This new guild was little more than a gang of assassins and ruffians that used terror and brute force to further their goals. Despite their reputation, they seemed on good terms with both the Seafarers and the Senate, and often the Guard would turn a blind eye to any wrongdoing.
Opposition to the slave ring, the Seafarers, the Blood Spiders, as well as the obvious corruption in the Senate and the government's support of these foul organizations, led to open rebellion. The resulting conflict set the Senate to enforce draconian law in an attempt to keep the unrest at bay; many of these laws are still on in effect to this day. Eventually the power of the populous overcame the power of profit and the Seafarers, and a law prohibiting slavery was enacted. During these 100 years of unrest, a new group appeared on the scene. Eventually the will of the populous overcame the power of profit and the Seafarer's hold on the Senate waned. A law was passed outlawing slavery forever in 1208 DR. The Wavebreakers never recovered from the mass assassinations they were dealt and fell into a downward spiral of recession and poverty. The lowest blow came when they were forced to sell their own guild house in 1271 DR to the Seafarers.
The Wavebreakers still exist, recruiting only when necessary and have fallen into deep decline. The Blood Spiders had their charter ratified, becoming a legitimate guild in 1354 DR, but have shown little interest in any real capital ventures and have remained mostly secretive. The Seafarer's rose to ultimate prominence in the years of its latest guild master, Vaster Ashald.