Guards and travel company wanted.

  • Mystic pins a note on the board

    As I am passing through the region I hear rumours about new areas visited, cleared and opened for the general populace. I would like to visit these places and make a note of it in my journal.

    Through my trade routes for exquisite cloth and fabric from Cormyr and on return east for magical items and jewelry in Thay before my general route turns north again, I have acquired relations looking for rare items. I could benefit from a better understanding of what the whole of Narfell has to offer. Is there parts yet within Narfell's borders that brings interest to new trade? Minerals? Rare plants and animals? Or simple unexploited but rich soil.

    For guards I pay 500 gold coins for safe travel, for adventurers and the likes I have nothing more than my pleasent company to offer.

    If you are indeed interested to join, leave your name and your position in this venture with Kat at the Inn and I will pick it upp within a week (PM Moon by sunday RL)

    I have not yet had the opportunity to see the new maps, most of you active players already have. However, I like to gather a team to help Mystic realise the above mission. This is not a planned event and it will most likely not involve a DM, so do not expect anything more than eachothers company. Mystic has gold and some items that she will pass out to team members - call it a success fee. Guards will be paid. The venture will take place the week after this sunday, when I see who are joining we set a date.

  • I know some of you even gotten through the trouble to PM me about the time /date for the My ventures planned tonite, I am sorry guys… but I cant log in... I will continue through out the evening, but as heka say c'est la vie.. eh?

    Aaaaaanyways guys... if Im not there... have fun w/o me, which I know you will 😉

  • So postponed til nxt sunday 21st around 22 PM GMT +1.

    Again I have no clue if there will be an conveniently scheduled event before, during or right after her venture time, but if you signed up and have the time and wanna tag along feel free to join in. Company is much appreciated she wont go alone…

  • Jack mutters something about politics and how the System always ruins people's fun.

    Seriously though, good luck with that. 🙂

    P.S. Once you get elected, could you pass a law that states that there will be free ale for all kin? Dwarves everywhere would appreciate such a measure.

  • *rubs red eyes and yawns…*governmental election work consumes a lot of time.

    This means unfortunately that.. I am not sure IF ..I in fact will be att home tonite... voting day tomorrow and according to stats... the percentage of people that hasnt decided yet is higher than ever and voting day is tomorrow. it is a nerv wrecking tie between the blue that currently sits in office and red (right and left)

    As I am in the board of our regional party and the "current majority" I kind of need to be there to do everything I can to promote, the right thing.

  • i will be arounfd FROM 9 PM GMT +1 which means we wont leave exactly at that time we might stick around a bit to converse where we actually would like to go leaving time for "uncertain players" to log in what ever appropriate PCs, in general everyone in welcomed.

  • Council of Moradin

    Gnarl scratches his head, and wonders why it is not possible to put up a clock in Peltarch, and everyone could point to that clock and say it will 4(or whatever time it will be) on that clock on the next tenday.or give the tendays names, such as tenday, 2tenday, 3tenday etc.

    Played by Gatlord

  • Hello. 9 PM GMT+1 would be 3 PM EST. If you meant EST rather than EDT, since the Eastern USA is on Eastern Daylight Time until November. If it's EDT you mean, then it would be 4PM. That also assumes that the GMT+1 quoted is actual GMT and not European Summer Time, which is an hour later.


  • ((What time is this in the EST?))

  • ((might not make it, some RL plans on friday.. we'll see, not sure yet. ))

  • Lets try this at a later time this saturday GMT +1 (some where between 9pm-11pm). I have no idea if there will be a DM running anything before, during or after) that will take your attention. i will be around from 9PM anyhow

  • Just a heads up it will most likely be Saturday late like 10 pm GMT +1 on the 13th od Sept b/c on the 14th of Sept its Swedish governmental elections or on Sunday the 21st if that suits everyone better (same time)

  • Romulus would never pass up an opportunity to accompany his old friend Mystic anywhere she wants to go.

    OOC: Sunday's are sometime iffy for me, depending on the time of day. Euro-evening hours which are USA afternoon hours work best for me.


  • General Theaon Thorn leaves notice he will join as a guard if needed.

    ((Should be good to go if this is set for Sunday, Sept 14th.))

  • Council of Moradin

    Gnarl reads the notice, and thinks for a bit. If he is available, he will be there, and act as one of the guards for this close friend, but not expect or desire pay. Will try to be available, but with all the things going on and ales to sample, he is uncertain

    Gnarl Horst, played by Gatlord

    First Knight of the Forsworn and Opinionated Adventurer

  • Alsaad gives Mystic a single nod, well aware she knows what his answer will be

    OOC: My Sunday schedule would be more flexible if it was carved in stone and buried under 20 tons of concrete, so this will be entirely dependent on what time.

  • Akseli av Norwick lets it know that he's interested in accompanying as a simple traveler.

  • Legion

    Marty reads note with interest

  • Markus checks the board and goes to find Mystic