- Letter written to Norwick council -

  • Legion

    This letter is in reasonably good handwriting - considering the author. The letter is written onto two pieces of good quality parchment, joined at the top left corner by what looks like … khaki coloured paste? The letter slipped under the door at night.


    **To OVerLordS of NOrwIcK.

    FrOm GrOb_bL_e of NO_rw_iCK _Se_rVant of O_VerL_orD DWin D_OLva_K.

    HOw are YO_U tO_da_y? I am W_eLL tha_nKY_oO.

    ManY Win_ter_s Ago Gr_ob_bLe did the sur_rende_r to Dre_aded CIty of Norwick. I ca_me with the mighty wa_vin_g of the w_hit_e fla_g_ for the make of surrender, and w_it_h the desire to give ma_ny_ inf_orm_at_ion_s to you for the make of your city to be safe from Ostromog.

    GrObble dId the sWear on G_Ob_lin Ban_e_ - the m_igh_tY a_Xe_ of Drea_d_ O_Ver_lord Dwin DolVaK, for the prOmiSe of alWays to help Nor_W_ck and alWayS do gOOd thingS and to Say the hOneSt words.

    Many winters haVe pa_sse_d sinCe Gro_bble_ did m_a_ke that sWear. He h_aS_ not _don_e the m_ur_der to an_yb_ody. No steaLIng of the niCe thingS. No bad tre_atme_nt of an_ima_ls. No ra_p_es. I _d_o the Ca_re_ful read of all the laWS and haVe been careful to do all - eXcept those things the la_w_s Says nOt to do. T_ho_se thingS He d_oeS_n't dO.

    SI_nc_e I d_o_ the fors_ake_ of be_in_g a g_Ob_lin and take on the bein_g_ a hUm_a_n I ha_ve gr_at_itUde in my heart for no_rw_ick not dOing the kill of me. So much gratitude is there in my h_ear_t! And nOt only heart. Lungs, stO_maC_h an_d other Org_an_S too. My g_ra_titUde do_es_ the m_ak_e Of m_e to do more th_an only obe_y_ the la_w_s. I do the wa_lk of the h_Uman a_nd_ the tal_k li_k_e One and the do of the g_OO_d th_in_gS, just like all my o_th_er fe_llO_w hum_a_ns in NOrwiCK. I alSO ha_v_e much de_si_re to do even mO_re than thiS.**


    **An_d_ _th_is iS the _Pl_an of me: To m_ake NOr_wiCK StrO_ng aga_inSt atta_cK and to he_l_p it b_e t_he pOW_er, g_rob_ble h_a_s plan with hi_s b_rain fOr th_e mak_e of a mighty breeding Pit! Ye_S, this w_ill be _th_e g_iv_e of m_e to nOr_wiCK fro_m the g_rati_tude of all m_y org_ans. Th_e cu_rre_nt br_ee_d of _hu_manS in no_rwic_k is slow and do_es not ma_x_im_ise the p_ote_ntials to m_ak_e b_abi_es. W_ith the pit, I do the c_alcula_tionS that N_orw_ick will h_av_e many m_Or_e b_abi_es than befOre. We will ma_Ke t_ho_se ba_bies gr_Ow and fig_ht and k_ill the e_nem_ies of _NOr_wiCK!

    I do this "for free" w_hich_ m_e_ans No m_Onie_s to be giVen to Grobble. This t_Oil_ com_es from my feel_in_gs, l_ike the flu_id_s of the b_o_il wh_en_ it iS burst, to s_pr_ay a_ll_ o_ve_r go_od hum_ans in n_orwi_ck. All work is ready for Start. All t_ha_t is n_ee_ded is t_he per_mis_sio_nS of yo_u all to b_egin.

    I d_o_ hav_e one req_ue_S_t to ma_ke with hu_mble to_ward the Ove_rlor_d_s of Norw_ick. The a_sk of me is for o_ffic_ial S_igned and lega_lly veri_fied docum_entatio_n sta_ting the hu_ma_nit_y of Grobble. Th_at he has left gob_linh_OOd be_hi_nd and h_as embr_ac_e_d life as a h_uma_n of No_rwic_k. This hu_manne_ss bei_ng teSt_ified to by his Char_acters a_n_d by h_i_s ob_ey of the l_a_ws and by his ma_nner of talk_ing, we_aring_ of Sh_oeS_and the _clot_hing of the h_Um_an.

    Wi_t_h the Cer_tify of the h_Um_anity of the GrO_bb_le, he wi_ll be a_bl_e to clear cOnfUSion in the ey_es of o_thers wh_en they la_ck the u_nder_stand of w_ho_ he i_s_. For ma_ny_ do the l_oo_k Only of the outw_ard wi_th nO _perce_ive of _the a_cts or the he_ar_t f_eeli_ngS - the t_hin_gs that _mak_e h_Um_an.

    I ha_ve m_Uc_h e_xit_ing in the wa_itin_g of the r_ep_ly of y_ou all. Pl_e_aSe _forw_Ord t_h_e r_ep_lY to:

    _Dolva_k m_anno_r,
    Dw_arve_n _Hol_d,

    M_ay_ the h_ea_dS of the e_nemi_es of Y_oU_ be l_ik_e the shells of e_gg_s u_nde_r y_ou_ mighty feet!


    Grobble of Norwick.**

    //sorry this is so late. This letter is actually based on some campfire RP that happened ages ago.

  • Legion

    *A letter affixed to the door of Norwick's Hall. It seems to be stuck there with some kind of … poop colored, poop smelling paste. *


    **To T_He_ TaLL and Po_W_erFul LeaDerS of NOrWiCK.

    FRoM YoUr FellOw HuMan a_n_d goOd _f_riend,

    GrObble o_F_ NOrWiCK

    I haVe Such pOwerfUl Fe_e_lin_gS_ in mY OrganS When I Se_e_ YoU dO taKe the ad_vi_CeS of GrObb_le_ and be_g_in tO maKe a bre_edi_ng pit!

    I haVe manY _Oth_er adViCeS _t_hat I giVe tO Y_O_U _fr_ee Of ChargeS. That meanS _Y_oU do nOt haVe to giVe t o GrObble anY _m_onieS. VerY gOOd fOr you!

    So_o_n NOrWiCK wil_l_ be the POWer! SO great Will the arMY Of NOrWiCK be!

    S_e_e hOW goOd the helP of GrObble iS? YeS VerY gOod.

    YoUr l0_V_ed and dilig_ent_ Citi_Z_en

    _Gr_Obble Of NOr_W_iCK


    P_e_e eSs : Groble's adViCes are fr_e_e Of ChargeS.**

    Grobble has been laying low lately, so this letter may serve as confirmation that Grobble is actually still alive for anyone wondering

  • Legion

    A letter nailed to the door of Norwick's Hall.


    **To T_He_ TaLL and Po_W_erFul LeaDerS of NOrWiCK.

    FRoM YoUr FellOw HuMan GrObble oF NOrWiCK

    I haVe the pOwerfUl mO_ti_Vati_OnS_ to Write thiS leTTer tO yOU fOr the warn of yOu of the infilTraTiOn intO thiS pOwerfUl City Of eVil CreatUreS.

    TheY are diSgUsting m_OnS_terS whO al_W_ayS lie and Steal and WhO lOVe tO triCk uS hU_manS_ intO belieVe that the_Y_ haVe no e_Vil_ bUt theY are f_U_ll of SO mUCh eVil that theY are ne_Ver_ gOOd.

    I Spe_aK_ Of the filthY hin wh_O_ re_C_ently inVaded uS. Th_e_Y pOWe_rf_UllY pretend tO n_Ot_ want tO Kill US and to st_ea_l oUr Things. Th_eY_ lie.

    GrObble haS ma_de_ the PO_W_erfUl Oath with M_U_ch Swe_ar_ing not to kill hin. He Will SCratCh hiS OWn eYeS oUt if he dOeS the breaK of hiS Oath. But Ma_nY_ tiMes I haVe Seen the PaLadin in NOrWiCk. I KnOW that if YoU did the aSk of the Pa_La_din that he wO_U_ld dO the Kill Of all of th_e_M fOr free Of Cha_rge_S.

    If leaderS of NOr_W_iCK Can't find PaL_a_dinS in time, Gr_Ob_ble SUggeStS - With ManY hUMilitieS in his trO_U_SerS - One of the fO_ll_oWing CO_U_rSeS of aCtiOnS:

    • Ki_ll_ all hin W_ith fir_e.
    • SaY to a_ll_ hin "If Yo_U_ dOn't leaVe I K_ill_ YoU with fire" and if th_eY_ dOn't lea_V_e Kill theM with fire.
    • SaY to all hin "If YoU dOn't lea_V_e I Kill YoU with fire" and While theY haVe diStr_aC_tiOn beCaUSe of the Pa_Ck_ing Of their _St_Olen things Kill th_e_m With fire.

    The SO_on_er the dirtY _an_iMal hin are O_U_t of _N_OrWiCK the SOo_n_er YoU haVe Sa_V_ed NOrWiCK frOm manY bad thi_ng_S.

    ̶Y̶o̶U̶r̶ ̶f̶a̶i̶t̶h̶f̶U̶l̶ ̶S̶l̶a̶V̶e̶
    YoUr Va_lU_ed and dilig_ent_ Citi_Z_en

    _Gr_Obble Of NOr_W_iCK
