
  • Username: Hopeofthefallen
    Character: Bael'Enver

    Evereska, one of the last remaining elven cities in the north. A large and beautiful city and home of 22,000 elves to date. Times have changed yet the people of the Fortress Home have not. We are not big on change like the humans, we prefer to stick to what we know and progress is something only spoken of in the arts. That is where I was born. Yet as you humans would understand it, I was not born with a name per say. I was one of a select group born with a duty and title to uphold. The title I was given is Bael'Enver, in human tongue it translates to Guardian of Peace.

    What one may ask is what does such a title mean? Does it make me special or stand out among my peers as something to be worshiped? Your answer would be no. My name is given to me to remind me of my duty in life for the Father and for the better of my people. I do not seek the worship of my people but instead guide them to worshiping the Father as all good elves should do. My duties in life are to teach my brothers and sisters the path of Corellon, to study ancient magics and old ruins and to determine if it is something for our brothers and sisters to learn, or if it would be a great risk to us and send the information back to our leaders.

    Now the time has come for me to go out and experience the world and begin writing my reports back to Rathal Evanara of the Temple of Corellon Larethian in Leuthilspar on the island of Evermeet, I am unsure if he reads them himself or if his Acolytes read them and report anything needing his attention to him. All I know for now is that I have docked in Peltarch and have already begun my investigating which seems to lead to a small town called Norwick. The old town seems infested with Bugbear magic, I must learn more about this and get word back as soon as possible.

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