Announcement from Captain-General Del'Rosa

  • Eilonna smiles warmly to him in a friendly manner as she speaks calmly

    While I don't speak of hostility's between us, there has been a great deal of distance between Peltarch and Norwick, something during the Gnoll war I sought to fix and bring unification back. Something I would hope to see continued as I believe both Peltarch and Norwick could benefit one another.

  • George looks oddly at Eilonna

    "Damaged? Neither me, nor any of my friends have anything against Norwickians. Their chief apparently even fought as our ally in the war. What is this 'damaged relations' you speak of?"

    Most commoners lift their eyebrows, never having heard of damaged relations. The merchants nod at George's words for they do weekly trade with Norwick.

  • Yana moves quietly through the crowd, guard badge visible, making it a point to be in close proximity to the more "passionate" hecklers in the audience. She briefly shadows Cormac as he exits the city before returning to the crowd. She makes no effort to be stealthy in this process.

  • Eilonna shakes her head turning back to George waiting for him to answer her question calmly

  • Heorge simply surveys the crowd calmly, as there are no non-rhetoric questions being asked. The defenders near the rant stand grab their halberds tighter as the barbarian start acting dangerously.

  • Bael nods to the Half Orc as he now keeps beside the man for his protection watching the crowd cautiously

  • Watching Cormac leave, the half-orc returns to his station without a word.

  • Cormac literally howls a laugh, and claps his hands together in a single terrifying, whip-sound crack.

    "_The hell has any of this got to do with a pair of Elves? We are 'MEN', not the polished-arse types of men from Cormyr, or - haha - whatever that blonde said, Suzail? Same place, whatever, poncey whatever it is. Your decadent ways, bah, I spit on what you'd call 'right to rule'. We are men from the 'North', whether you appreciate or accept it or not - Elf - the right to challenge has ever been our way! Or has Peltarch gone soft in the loins since the old days?

    Bah, I don't even care. Your city can cram itself up it's own ass for all I care. I'm not even from here, I just wanted to see if I could scare the old bastard to death - bahah!_"

    With that he about turns and walks away, slow-clapping and cackling to himself like a mad dog, away and out of the city.

    • A male elf steps up beside the elderly man protectively wearing the Defenders armor and nods to him reassuringly*

    Cormac was it? Perhaps you should move along, we don't accept challenges for Royalty. This is the decision of the people, not of some vagabond that wishes to display himself for all to see.

  • Eilonna shakes her head

    Blow it out yer ass Cormac before the guards here remove you for causing a disturbance. I would prefer the old man to you any day. Yer just still sore because you lost at a fair roll. Grow up and stop acting like a five year old boy, gods my sons act more mature then you.

  • Cormac's eyes narrow at the Half-Orc, he snarls at the creature.

    "Get lost 'soldier-boy', you don't want to be measuring axes with me. For all you know - I could be your next king, unless the old man is CHICKEN! Bahahah! But seriously. Get lost. Oppress someone who gives a half-a-damn."

  • A towering half orc in Defender armor steps up to Cormac:

    Yous keep calm. This Peltarch. We no challenge to rules. Peoples choose what want. If want senate, Peltarch has senate. If want king, Peltarch has king. Is not hard. If want measure ax, Vugdush ax bigger. So calm.

  • The barbarian gives Elionna a look as hard as iron and growls a few words toward her.

    "Shut your mewing mouth you damned brainless, gutless, thieving witch. I've never lied to you or to anyone else, you ugly-faced crow, it's because I'm so damn honest that you rat-people can't control your stupid tempers around me. I would be a 'great' king, a passionate king. A king with 'many' sons. A people's king, hah! What say you, Elf-chebs?* Would you rather have a king who's scepter can't royally rise to the occasion, or a manful, meaty, loving machine to lead your city into prosperity?"

    ((Chebs is a common slang word in my town for boobs))

  • Lycka, after a hushed conversation with her youngest son and some stern finger-wiggling, straightens to give Martoushca an incredulous stare.

    "Marty… first up, get your facts straight. Second, a -bit- rhetorical?"

    She seems about to continue when Cormac's sudden bellowing disrupts her chain of thought, giving the tall barbarian a look that almost, but not quite, matches the first.

  • Hrmph! Peltarch would turn Norwick into a colony! A king aspires to a kingdom, not a city!

  • A female elf in a white gown some may recognize as Eilonna limps to the side holding a staff as she looks between the man and the Barbarian man yelling speaking calmly

    To our yelling friend, you would be a horrible king, you have no patience, you can't stand losing, you lie and you make up stories to credit your lies to your benefit. Sorry but your not really fit to be king.

    Secondly…She turns back to the older man I have no qualms with you becoming King, I would only ask what you would do about reforging the friendship between Peltarch and Norwick. Something that has been damaged for a very long time. Understandably we do not wish to become a part of Peltarch but prefer to work to become friends again and work to better one another.

    She leans on the staff as she looks up to the man quietly awaiting his answer.

  • A barbarian looms over many of the folk in the crowd, his face painted grimly with black streaks, his armour black, his tight leather pants - black. He points a finger at George and bellows out with a voice like thunder.

    "You! Old man! You want to be king? 'I' want to be king. And you're so old and weak that 'I' think I'll take your crown. I challenge your right to rule, I challenge you to match me in a contest - of your choosing - to determine which of us shall be KING!!"

  • Legion


    George frowns at Marty's question, unsure how to answer

    "I haven't spells cast upon me, nor do I have any items that I know of that are magical. But I am no expert in that field, and I do not know if King Tidus' legacy would count as magic or not. Perhaps you could help detect that?"

    Oh I didn't think to prepare a Detect Magic spell today.

    So, in response to questions about an heir, you mentioned "personal sacrifices" and that you would find a "new wife" if you became king.

    So, please correct me if I have this wrong; you would cast aside your wife to sit on a throne - a throne you would only be sitting upon because you are a descendant of Tidus - And in doing so effectively destroy your father Tidus's work and every thing he stood for.

    Do I have that right?

    If so, then my question of you is this; as a king you would be a model for all men in this city to look up to. Inspiration to great deeds, or justification for slackness, will come from what people see in you. When a man considers his oath, a soldier considers his commitment to the city, when a merchant considers whether or not to be faithful to a customer or a deal, when a man considers whether he will be faithful to his own marriage vows … what place do you feel your example will bring them to?

    That question was a bit rhetorical. Sorry about that. Of course we all know that a man who doesn't honor his marriage vow can't really be counted upon to honor any pledge he makes.

    So a question that maybe you can answer for us. Your father king Tidus, the man who forged this city, do you believe he erred in wisdom when he created the senate and determined that the people should be ruled over by leaders of their own choosing?

  • George frowns at Marty's question, unsure how to answer

    "I haven't spells cast upon me, nor do I have any items that I know of that are magical. But I am no expert in that field, and I do not know if King Tidus' legacy would count as magic or not. Perhaps you could help detect that?"

  • @9afad460ae=ClownBaby:

    a battle scarred dwarf shuffles in from the west gate, his armor covered in flecks of blood spatter. As he makes his way to the Mermaid Inn, he stops by a group of Dwarven dock workers and watches the event take place. After a few chuckles under his beard, he leans to the dwarves and says, " King? He ain't even go o' proper beard! O' shiny new crown and o' sweet young maiden teh warm his bed? Bet it didn't take much more convincin' than that teh git him up on this stage, eh? That's wut oi call o' promotion!"

    As Beorn makes his way into the Mermaid for a ale and a quick peek at Kat's cleavage before heading South, he mutters to himself,

    "Good ole Corruptarch, business as usual…"

    Brumir joins Beorn and pats him on the shoulder as they head into the Mermaid

    "Look at da bright side kin, at least da bar lass here still has great teats! HAR!"

    Meanwhile, General Theaon Thorn of the Troff Legion leans against a building with his arms folded watching the various reactions from people, not saying anything himself nor showing any emotions regarding the recent happenings.