Trent S. Lormain

  • Char: Trent S. Lormain
    player: destinysdesire1
    Refering old Archives:

    _Many years had passed since the old Hoarite had landed in Peltarch, many more would pass as he awaited his death as well. In the meantime though he would have to find something other then killing to pass his time, after all, one can only do so much vengeance without becoming lost in the vengeance themselves. Instead he decided he would take up the magical study.

    It was a very long and boring start, finding books on magic were not such a common place thing after all. Though over a good bit of time and hunting from different libraries and talking to random people, he eventually found a beginners guide to Wizardry. Simple cantrips and such were fairly easy to pick up and were great for starting on. The light spell quickly proved to be a close favorite as he began to go through the different types of magic.

    Abjuration: A useful skill for a warrior and a valuable one for one that doesn't like to take damage…it would be very useful as a prime lesson.

    Conjuration: The ability to summon monsters to fight for'm not a druid and knowing my luck..I wouldn't like what I summoned....and besides, I probably wouldn't like what I would wind up summoning....

    Divination: Isn't that what seers use to see into the future and crap? No thanks!

    Enchantment: hmm....controlling people....yea no...not unless I wanna remember Thay and the Shadowvar.....

    Evocation: Blowing things that sounds fun!!

    Illusion: Gods no....I hate pretend crap!

    Necromancy: You couldn't pay me enough to study that crap!

    Transmutation: hmm....shifting myself into something else...that could be fun....being a huge red dragon or something!

    Sitting on the bench as he skimmed the spells he found quickly he became more attached to Abjuration but at the cost of Conjuration, no real loss to himself, deciding to focus on that study specifically he made his way down to Norwick having long heard of the Arcane Tower by the lake and began to question random people about who would run such a tower. Soon learning of Maria and knowing from past information that she was on Peltarchs Senate he made his way back to Peltarch.

    Finding Maria soon proved an easy task as he met her in the commons and asked her about the school. She told him bits and pieces and informed him that acceptance was a touchy thing and that he would be required to send her a letter of introduction. He agreed and left her to her work before getting down to sending her the letter. Then he set back to training and waiting.

    Sadly as he came to realize, his training from the past was not compatible with the future training and he would have to choose between one and the other. A choice soon made as he stripped off his plate and gear before handing it over to a nearby hin and prayed to Hoar to forgive him his choice, he felt he needed to take this path for his own sanity as much as a new chapter in his life. Days later he was seen in cloth clothing rather then his plate and a mages staff as he set on the road to learning. It would be a long road indeed, but when you don't age, what besides time do you have?_

  • ICC

    Im sorry mate, but Background XP can only be awarded once per character, and in Trent Lormain case, he already had his.

    Seems to me that you wish to continue his story and add some more info, great! We have just the place for you to keep writing and make a jornal or "memories of" kind of thing for Trent, check out "Tales by the Fire"

    Looking forward to read more from Trent Lormain!

    If you need more info regarding the subject in hands (note: read "matter at hand"), please do feel free to send me a PM or look for me in Narfell's channel in IRC. Take care.