New Whispers at the Fire

  • There has been word that three adventurers, one baring markings of the Divine Shield named Peter, a lovely bard and warrior named Kima, and Yllalynn's apprentice Anna had gone to investigate the source of the storm.

    The source of the storm was apparently over a set of three stones that they had discovered to be the Menhir, where goblins from another tribe completely were discovered there, perhaps either brought by or created by the very storm that had travelled down from the mountains.

    After a long, hard fought battle, they noticed one of the goblins sacrifice the other within the Menhir, slitting its throat. As the shaman who dealt the ritual was finally slain, lights from the menhir could be seen from afar being sent to the sky before dissipating, what was described as a buzzing sound from the stones itself droned on for a little while as the unholy symbol at its base slowly dissipated.

    A body from the new tribe of goblins, at least one that was mostly intact from the battle, had been dragged to Norwick for investigation to the Norwick militia. What they choose to do with it will be their own decision.

  • A small snow storm has swiftly rolled South into the Rawlins and settled around the lake south of Norwick, scouts are also reporting a strange chanting sound coming from the area, but the harsh weather is making it too difficult for them to find the exact location…

  • Kima Falstaff can be seen speaking with Timmot about the now missing people Wolfgang and Cody. She is then seen stopping in at the apothecary and thdn having an extended conversation with Eric at the Lumberyard. She is seen taking notes and then looking into a few other hunches she has.

  • _Another disappearance has rocked poor Norwick.

    Cody Keelen, an indepedent small-time ranger who was known for wandering in the Rawlins, has been declared missing.

    The odd thing is that it does not seem he has gone missing in the Rawlinswood, as he returned home safely from his last adventure, instead disappearing the following night from his room at the Grapevine.

    No one at the inn seems to have seen or heard anything unusual that night._