New Whispers at the Fire

  • An Elf roams the streets of Norwick, occasionally leering up at the posted signage above the doors of shops and stores. He hurriedly moves about from here to there before going about his business beyond the confines of the town's walls. A beaked helmet hides his face, but the longbow in his hand is emblazoned with the sign of Sehanine Moonbow. Perhaps a familiar 'gargoyle' returns from his travels after all…

  • Infamous elven scout hen is seen entering the hall of Norwick at dawn and leaving shortly after handing D'Cameron a letter. Hen has a puzzled look over her face as she left slipping her mask back over her face before slipping away into the morning light towards peltarch.

    ((PM sent to Gonnar

  • Although the ever damnable undead made a nasty appearance by the end, it is widely agreed that Norwick's Harvest Festival was a roaring success, with food and drink aplenty, merchants hawking special wares and a wide array of exciting games on offer, including some spectacular mages duels! The crowning of a highly unlikely pair as King and Queen of the festivities took place just before the unwelcome guests came knocking on the gates, Uljas and Nate Wingates forced to take up arms instead of of gliding onto the dance floor!

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Word spreads that militiaman Hannibal Charon has fallen in battle, and efforts to return him to life have thus far been unsuccessful. His body is, evidently, held in the Militia Barracks for the time being, watched over by his comrades as well as a halfling acquaintance who insists on maintaining a vigil by his side.

  • Rumors spread of a meeting taking place outside the north gates of Norwick. Notable participants include Roslyn of the HDL, the druid Aoth, General Theaon of the Troff Legion, and the white dragon known as Ky. It is said that the meeting had to do with the demons across the Scar in Jiyyd. Eventually all parties went their separate ways, however the Legion General was supposedly left feeling as if he had just been in a bone-chilling blizzard, and the white dragon flew away in a more crispier state than he arrived.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Rumors abound that a large party of adventurers made their way into the old crypts, initially to seek and destroy undead before exploring further underground into the underdark.

    Along the way, they evidently encountered a mage powerful enough to cast Time Stop and escape, before sending more undead against them.

    Thankfully no losses are reported amongst the party, but it remains a troubling report.

  • _A dark cloud descended on the south gate, bringing with it demons from the deeper Rawlinswood. Descriptions of the battle are confused, and it seems the demons turned those present against it one other. Even after the fighting stopped, bitter curses were tossed between some parties.

    There is talk that the demons took the druid glen, something for which human memory can find no precedent. Others say the demons were repelled there. Yet the darkness lingers like the rotting vegetation, and a sense of foreboding lurks throughout the woods._

  • A guttural, soul-wrenching howl was heard everywhere at once. Some in Norwick swore it came from the woods, others the Nars or the river.

    Whether connected to the howl or not, loggers and scouts returned to town with reports of hundreds of dead goblins in the borderlands and stretching deeper toward the cliffs of the western Rawlins. Some of the bodies were burnt, some choked or drowned, many were sliced and pierced with weapons or claws. Those who arrived early said the very mist was red from the carnage.

    The bodies piled high in circular mounds as if the attackers were few indeed. Not a single track was found, save for the goblins' own.

  • After many years, and unexpectedly by most, the Spellweaver descends from the skies into her usual spot. The ground shakes as it lands, and a cloud of dust arises. When it clears, everyone can see the majestic Keep intact, as it was 10 years back…

  • The sinewy, green-skinned and green-haired elvish druid and bard named Szath Durro was seen a while ago wandering the Rawlinswood alongside a female halfling named Doona. Recently, however, he is not seen any more. Any who search for him find only that he cannot be found. His snake companion is also gone. Doona is seen, but rarely, and she does not seem to interact with any of Norwick's townspeople - she only bitterly hunts in the nearby Rawlinswood.

    [DM Xanatos Gambit]

  • Tragedy strikes Norwick with the disappearance of five children from their beds during a dark and stormy night. Dozens upon dozen mangled corpses of wights lay scattered past the north gate, evidence of fierce battle taken place there - but this may have been but a diversion. The search parties work frantically, but so far without result…

  • _General Theaon of the Legion can be seen talking to the Dwarven Guard near the south gates. Those nearby hear the General mention Duergars under the crypts where the mummies usually are, and something about a stash of Duergar-size armor and weapons that were recovered.

    Could the Duergars be trying to move closer to the surface?_

  • Legion

    Aspiring artifact seekers Elri'el and Una Na'ilo could be heard squabbling in front of the campfire just before setting out on what was intended to be a simple expedition to the Norwick crypts. After a passionate argument about their 'business partnership' they were on their way, seemingly having abruptly recovered from whatever disagreement they'd had. Not long after their departure an explosion could be heard in the south that rocked the rickety foundations of the crypts.

    According to the only eye witness, Elri'el, the only thing left of the cheery blonde elf was a shower of fine dust… and her coin purse.

  • The doors of the Crafting hall are opened wide, with several dwarves doing their best to sweep out the saw dust, metal shavings, and other useless by-products from the crafting hall's floor.

    Shouting out orders for this cleaning is Dwin Dolvak, who hobbles around pointing at areas that need more in-depth cleaning attention.

  • _Great bursts of fire and explosions of magic erupt from Maria's tower, lighting up the night sky all the way to Norwick. Come morning, dozens upon dozens of charred goblin bodies can be found littering the ground all around the tower, alongside the remnants of a small battering ram.

    There are also rumours of goblins being so bold as to sneak into Norwick proper, thieving whatever they can lay their grubby paws on._

  • @6a8a536137=Atel:

    _After a long while of being neither here nor there, it appears the little halfling Atel Vai'sini is done with all this 'going into hiding' business, and has been asking around Norwick for any who are magically inclined to speak with her as she is beginning a research project to undo her unnatural youth.

    After speaking with some, she heads north to the city._

    María approaches Atel and invites the halfling to her tower whenever she wants to talk about these matters.

  • _After a long while of being neither here nor there, it appears the little halfling Atel Vai'sini is done with all this 'going into hiding' business, and has been asking around Norwick for any who are magically inclined to speak with her as she is beginning a research project to undo her unnatural youth.

    After speaking with some, she heads north to the city._

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Roslyn Underhill was seen paying a visit to the Grapevine Inn's newest resident/employee Marie, as well as her daughter. It seems the small hin was simply making a visit to see how they were settling in.

    Afterwards, however, she was seen talking to the proprietors of the inn, rumor has it that she was offering gold to cover the accommodations of the two newcomers.

    ((Flom, find me IG sometime and I'll drop the requisite amount of gold))

  • Near the lake, a storm brewed briefly, or something like it.

    Screaming hobgoblins, portals opening, lightning crashing, and a Nefnalshnee (or whatever they're called) coming forth, followed later by a Shroud of Orcusgate, were present, with only the headless body of the bigger demon, and an ash outline of the shroud, left behind as evidence of what transpired.

    That, and a lot of scorch marks and blood…

  • _As unnatural darkness continued to lay over the fields and Rawlingswood, a tall, shrouded figure chased the dwarf paladin Silver from the south and into South Gate, where it was engaged by a Kelemvore paladin on guard there, and by the cleric Shesarai. Although easily hit by the three, they could do little damage to it. Eventually they wore it down and killed it. The cleric said it was a Shroud of Orcus and definitely evil, though extremely magic resistant. A little later, now rested and renewed, the dwarf and the red-haired cleric were seen exiting South Gate because there supposedly were two more of these shrouded figures near the Goblin Lake.


    Characters: Romulus Grey, bard the bowman
    Trotter, spooky halfling ranger
    Shesarai Foutopolis, red-haired cleric of Mystra_