Sovereign Borders

  • Legion

    • Halfling Gardener Martoushca Leaffall has been doing the rounds amongst seasoned and less tasty adventurers alike, letting them know that she's offering a 5gp bounty on each left orc ear they bring in. She tests out the odd green adventurer before offering the bounty to them as she doesn't want kids with wooden swords charging out onto the hills for "easy coin". She gives the occasional passionate speech about the sovereignty of Peltarch's borders, of the various atrocities carried out by orc raiders, and the need to make the fields safe for farmers. *

    (some typical quotes from her conversations)

    "It's like they don't even know the border stones are there! I guess that figures - orcs having barely half a brain and all."

    "That's five gold for each left ear. So five gold for each dead orc … unless you can convince them to give up an ear ... "

    "We want the orcs to know that if they breach the border and come onto our hills that they're going to pay. So pile 'em high if you have to. I'd write a sigh for them, but brutality is the only language they know how to read."

    "When you bring in the ears, wash them off first yeah?"

    • word spreads back from the Forsworn * Orcs have now officially been spotted in Norwicks forest, as predicted the migration has finally moved that far down, keep your guard up.

  • Legion

    A small pile of Gnoll warrior shields are beginning to pile up at the base of the shrine of Tempus

  • Troff Legion scouts report that no orcs at all were seen across the creek west of Peltarch on two recent nights. Only the pack of feral cats remained there. Also, Legion scouts have seen no evidence yet of orcs migrating south of Peltarch. It might happen, but apparently it's not happening yet. Rabid gnolls, however, are still congregating on the road near the Kuo Toa cavern and as far south as the Nars Bridge.

    Loging: AubreyMaturin

    Characters: Romulus Grey, Bard the bowman
    Trotter, Spooky halfling ranger
    Shesarai Foutopolis, Red-haired cleric of Mystra

  • Legion

    Marty spreads word that the 5gold coin bounty on orc ears is now off. She'll pay for what you have on you, but after that its the end of it. Word is that the orcs are migrating south.

  • DM

    A confident young man, dressed in fine armour is seen exchanging words with some of the troops as they headed back to barracks

    "Did I miss it…?" was the main comment heard from Ravos. He then goes seeking out anyone in command enquiring about the deployment.

  • Legion

    *_Following their Captain's example, a squad of brave defenders take up a position on the western foothills, slaughtering orc as they come out to meet them. A mountain of dead orc begins to pile up.

    A blonde priestess of Chauntea is often out on the hills healing the wounded Defenders, sharing sermons, and when needed fighting by their side. The Halfling gardener is also a common sight amongst the Defenders, providing healing, hot meals and protective magic._ *

  • Legion

    told from the rant stand

    I think we all need to give a hearty salute to the Defender Captain who has single handedly created a mountain of dead orcs out on our western foothills! Let the orc see that this is what just ONE of our brave fighting men can do!

  • //my fault my bad will switch it tonight after work

  • Legion

    // the western hills have been on "battlefield settings" for a while now. Kinda puts a spanner in the works (need ears). If a friendly DM could switch it back to regular lolz 'n lootz setting that'd be awesome.

  • Legion

    after Maria's campaign against the orcs

    sniffs the air
    Smell that? Smell of burning orc? That's the smell of freedom.