Fires of the Forge ---- DM Avenger

  • Brimstone filled the air, burning at the nostrils of the dwarf as he pumped the great bellows to no avail. White stains of dried salt soiled his shirt, and the sweat no longer rolled down his forehead. The great furnace glowed a cherry red, scorching all the workers around it, yet still the metal inside had failed to smelt. Ten humongous casting molds lay empty, and his customer was fuming back by the crates, occasionally whipping the last full box with a piece of chain.

    “We should kill him now.”

    The dwarf looked up at his partner on the bellows. “Aye, I could go for that, except one thing.”

    “Your knees getting too weak old man.?”

    The dwarf grumbled at the youth. He’d never live long enough to have troubles. Brash young kid! So fixated on his own strength he couldn’t see it in others.

    “No. He’s hoping we try.”

    “Well this is hopeless.”

    “Aye, so it is.”


    The comparatively cool air of the Coppers was inviting after the long troublesome day of lessons learned in the foundry. Fresh cloths brought with Them a fresh attitude. Every problem has its solution. An ale consumed off to the side of the crackling fireplace gave Razier time to think.

    The door opened with the creak of neglected hinges, and the faintest scents of lavender ticked his nose, born on the draft of the fire. Good. One of the people he was hoping to see.

    “Please Miss River, have a seat.” There was no possibility of not admiring her form as she sat down. The blonde was a beautiful woman, and it was enough to be distracting. His attempt at small talk proved she was in no mood for it, which was just as well, he wasn’t either.

    “What do you know about magical flames Miss River?”

    The question took her aback for a moment. Perfect, surprise often breeds candor. He watched her eyes study him for a moment as she tried to puzzle out where this was going.

    “Are you having problems?”

    He nodded. “The dwarves are having trouble casting the clockworks. They can’t sustain a fire that is hot enough for the amount of time it will take to pour them.”

    “Perhaps with a few mages to bolster the effort?”

    “I thought of it… but most spells don’t last long enough for what I need.”


    He gazed into the fire burning away on the hearth, watching the flames dance and circle each other in a pale imitation of life. “I don’t think they get hot enough. I was thinking of an enchanted flame source. You have some experience in enchanting, do you not?”

    “I’ve done many.”

    “I would ask you too make what I need, but I understand the process is rather… draining.

    He watched as she shifted in her chair reflexively, no doubt thinking of her past efforts.

    “They can be.”

    “I was thinking it might be better if we located one that’s all ready been made… and borrow it.”

    Was that a smile hinting at her ruby lips?


    //OOC: Due to the Superbowl this Sunday, my regularly scheduled "evil night" will be bumped back a week, at which time we'll pick up where we left off. I'm moving the time up a little, so we'll start at 2PM (EST) on Sunday Feb. 9.

    Continuation of the event With Razier. 6 character max (DM Avenger doesn't like mobs) Preference will be given in the following order: 1) people who were on part 1 (Hiring of the foundry led by Kyan) 2) people who have participated in in the Big BoB events 3) Associates of the people who qualify for 1 & 2


  • …so did I 😉

  • Kyan should be there. I reminded him it starts in 8 hrs.

  • Will Try ! (With Elvira)

  • I might be able to make it with Darien, but I'll be more reserve since I might have family stuff to do.

  • Ok So…


    pokes Kyan

  • I can be there.

  • Markus will try to be there. I always mess up with the time so… If I'm IG, poke me when it's party time xD

  • Trying with John, but might be too late a time for me 🙂

  • Mystic will be there