The Brawling Bodak presents: The Arena!
"The Brawling Bodak's fine management, with the support of a very generous anonymous donor, is promoting an exciting new enterprise:
A fighting arena, for adventurers and hopefuls alike to test their skills in battle, garnering gold and renown in the process.
"Do you think you've got what it takes? Do you think there is no creature in the realm you can't defeat? Can you feel that rush of the sounds of battle, your heart racing with the knowledge that any one step you take may be the last one?"
All challenges you'll face in the arena are evil creatures or convicted criminals who chose to die honorably in battle instead of facing the executioner.
You may choose to fight alone, or with a teammate (after the 3rd round).
You may choose to forfeit with your amassed gold before the next round begins.
You may choose to rest and ressuply before the next round begins, but you will lose the gold earned until that point.
You may die in the arena, but if you do, make sure you die honorably, and our clerics may try to revive you.
The Champion of the Brawling Bodak Arena will be granted riches beyond the imagination of simple adventurers and will be renowned as Heroes!
Limited signups, reserve your place and become a champion today!
Spectate - 5 g.p.
Participate - 100 g.p.((This will hopefully be run friday, feb 7th at 9PM GMT. The first 5 people to sign up are in. The 2nd group of 5 may be chosen as teammates or fight on their own if the chosen teammate of any of 1st five belongs to that 1st group. Those who don't fight are automatically signed to the next Arena event, unless they're unable to attend))
//Dear McPlay.
I can adapt to any time in the weekend, given some notice.
- Your willing guinea pig.
_Due to an unforeseen situation, the 1st edition of the Bodak Arena was postponed. Signups are still accepted.
The Brawling Bodak Management_
((Next friday, same time. But, if the time doesn't work for you, let me hear some suggestions, providing I can make it and the two initial guin… Pioneers, don't mind living to fight another day, we may work something out
Shallyah signs in.
María smirks and signs her name It could be fun