
  • Legion

    Wide eyed, politically excitable volunteers have been approaching Citizens of Peltarch with a clipboard and quill. They ask one of the following questions, and if they get a positive response encourage the citizen to sign the petition to remove magical influence from Peltarch's electoral system.

    • "Mind if I ask a quick question? When deciding who to vote for, you think it's fair for a candidate to cast magic on themselves to make them appear more worthy of your vote?"
    • "When deciding which candidate best represents you, do you think it's alright for that decision to be influenced by spells or magical items on the candidates?"
    • "If you voted for a senator, and then discovered that your decision would have been different once that senator's spells wore off, how do you think that'd make you feel? Would you still feel that it was a fair election?"
    • "Lets just say that you didn't want to sign this petition, and I then cast Eagle's Splendor on myself, put on a Nymph's Cloak and asked you again, and you then said yes. Do you think that would be okay - for me to use magic to influence your decision? If not, maybe this is a petition you want to sign?"


    _We, the citizens undersigned, wish to humbly propose to the esteemed Peltarch Senate that the casting of magical spells and the use of magical items be banned for senatorial candidates during an election campaign.

    We believe that our vote belongs to the candidates who we know to represent us and our interests. It does not belong to the one who can persuade or swindle us with magical enhancements.

    Indeed, we feel that the use of magic to enhance the charisma or presence of a candidate serves only as an artificial means of leading citizens to overestimate the candidate's value as a representative.

    What we ask for is the freedom to choose our representatives free of all forms of magical influence.

    Thank you all for your consideration._

    NAME __________________OF (district of residence)___________________SIGNATURE

    ((OOC// If you play a character who is a citizen of Peltarch and believe that they would sign this petition please post below.))

  • Hearing the commotion, Amithralia approaches the petitioner, and reads the text over, nodding:

    The gifts the Lady of Mysteries provides are not to be abused for personal gain, I'd say. Her teachings clearly say that one shouldn't use the Weave as a mere tool.

    "Love Magic for itself. Do not treat it as just a weapon to reshape the world to your will. Magic is Art. The Gift of the Lady. Conduct yourself humbly, not proudly, while being mindful of this."

    The elven Cleric then takes the petition and signs it, smiling as she returns it

  • Mystic startles as someone shouts "Hexers is evil!", then she becomes curious and trots towards the direction from where the sudden call out came from. She listen to others nearby and their suggestions and opinions.

    Fair enough! She nods approvingly. I know what I am without magics, not that I would run for the senate… and it cannot be worse than it already is... right? May whom ever that is best suited for what ever, be the woman or man... no magic needed.

    Mystic signs, shrugs and walks away with an amused grin on her face.

  • Council of Moradin

    Gnarl listens the the explanation, then reads the petition. Although it is not translated in dwarven, he feels he understands the intent. So, with the explanation that whoever is running for a political office should represent them self and what they stand for without any magical persuasion, clouding, or obfuscation.

    Gnarl signs!

    Played by Gatlord

  • Damien gives the petition over and decides to sign

  • Legion


    ((OOC// If you play a character who is a citizen of Peltarch and believe that they would sign this petition please post below.))

    ((OOC: not a discussion topic. Just sign or not please. ))

  • Hulking barbarian walks past

    Yes! Hexers is evil! Put name Uljas there, with big letters!

  • ::An exotic, almond eyed woman in red, looks over the petition. She appears to come from a distant land, yet she has Peltarch citizen papers for several years::

    And what next, should candidates stop bathing, combing their hair, or using makeup in their public speeches? Working towards the public requires to keep a good appearance, and I don't see that as dishonest at all. As long as they don't directly manipulate the minds of the voters…

    ::She then stretches her eyes as she seems to smile under her silk gag::

    By the way… if you want to feel as beautiful and admirable as a senator in an election campaign, you should check the Lucky Ferret... there are some exquisite bronzing gels for sale. I promise you, you will be desired after taking a bath with it... especially if it's a special someone applying the gel on you.

    ::The elegant woman winks at the petition carrier and hands the petition back unsigned, to then head off down Peltarch's docks::

  • Nica stops and listens carefully, then reads the petition itself before responding:

    "Those are some pretty leading questions, mind if I ask who's behind them? It sounds like someone's personal agenda for an upcoming election to me, attempting to disguise itself as 'the will of the people'. I believe there's always some degree of manipulation involved in political processes, and that to use enhancing magic to make yourself shine is not the worst of them, not by far."

    She politely hands the petition back, giving the volunteer a moment to respond.