
  • So, did a test run on making outdoor patios outside a few of the taverns IG. This something you'd like to see actually put on the maps? You know.. instead of sitting in the commons getting drenched daily and stuff..

    Seems a possible easier way to spread rumors of adventure hooks and stuff too through tavern talk.. without taking away the outdoor feeling and the possibility of undead/slime/demon/demigod attacks..

    Oh and fell free to post any ideas you might have for them here too.

  • Legion

    Just a thought, maybe we could remove the useless "wall" structure behind the Mermaid, move the building east one square, and insert a low wall. That way we have room for a patio and a street.

  • I voted yes, because Patios is a spanish word and it made me smile.

  • I tried to get waitresses outside, it seems their stores might be tied to the inside of the building, but not too hard to move them outside via the toolset I'm thinking.

  • I like it, if the fence cuts into the traffic too much then you could skip that part, just have chairs, tables and the couches by the door. Ideally, one of the waitresses could be moved outside, offering the same sort of selection of food and drinks as inside.

    For the Lucky Ferret patio, I think the net gives great flavour, possibly more naval sort of placables could be added since it'll look more generic without the NPCs? An outside waitress offering food and drink for sale would work here too, and if it's possible to create some sort of roof shelter, that would be neat (canvas, seaweed?). Not sure what the toolset offers though!

  • As a note, there won't be npc's, the tables and chairs will be positioned better. It's not easy to get everything perfect without the toolset.

  • I like the concept but its a bit of a beast. Laggy, with the extra npcs and all the useable placeables. Its offputting if you spawn in Peltarch and very cluttered.

  • Legion


    Traffic flow into the commons from the north is pretty badly disrupted by the fences. To get from north to south, you can no longer walk through the street in front of the Mermaid, and to enter the Inn at all (to rest, etc) you have to go into the Commons, exit the commons into the patio, and weave through the tables and chairs to reach the front door of the Mermaid.

    ^ This would be the only problem I'd have with it.

  • I like it. It changes the dynamic of Peltarch a bit, and seems classier already. But there are a couple of minor technical problems that I don't think can be fixed, but just in case I'll mention them.

    Traffic flow into the commons from the north is pretty badly disrupted by the fences. To get from north to south, you can no longer walk through the street in front of the Mermaid, and to enter the Inn at all (to rest, etc) you have to go into the Commons, exit the commons into the patio, and weave through the tables and chairs to reach the front door of the Mermaid.

    With NPC servers and Peltarch citizens sitting at tables, it gets a bit crowded when four or more PCs are present. It's already difficult to see who is sitting under the awning directly in front of the Mermaid.

    I like the servers and the cheap drinks. I just wish you could actually drink something while sitting down, or leave bottles on top the tables. Right now, if you want to drink something, you have to stand up. And if you want to pass a bottle around, you have to set it on the ground.


  • Yes because… why not? It's not like the commons are going to vanish. The choice is there. 🙂

  • Voted yes.

    Methinks it would be a good IC way to get people off the commons (which is kinda OOC for most - Who would stay around in the rain with a perfectly good inn just 3 feet away?)