Cyrian Requests Audience with the Senate

  • Cyrian has been seen visiting the Senate offices recently requesting various documents and books.
    After a few days of continuous research he returns once again to request an audience with the Senate to speak of a proposal concerning Land and construction permits, tax deductables for organizations, and the creation of charity sponsored not for profit foundations.

    Should an audience be granted, he speaks of a proposal asking for the cities permission and if possible sponsorship in the creation of a Museum that will showcase various things related to Narfells History.

    Further inquiries to the project can be discussed further through public meetings in which any party interested in sponsorship of the project can talk about it or provide input or suggestions

  • Lycka smiles and taps her bottom lip before responding to Maria:

    "While saving the Theatre ranks higher on my personal agenda, this is certainly an interesting project in its own right. I might have an idea or two to contribute along the way and naturally the Bardic College as a whole would be an ideal partner to work with. You can't write history without story, after all."

  • Legion Captain and bard Romulus Grey is reportedly "highly pleased" with the proposal for a Heroes of History Museum in Peltarch. He offers the Legion's full cooperation, and pledges to donate some books and historical records from his own collection. Other Legion-owned material, of which there is much, will have to await a decision by General Theaon.

    Login: AubreyMaturin

    Characters: Romulus Grey, bard the bowman
    Trotter, spooky halfling ranger
    Shesarai Foutopolis, red-haired cleric of Mystra

  • ::Advisor Rith Phoenixfeather seems pleased with the idea as well as she speaks under her breath::

    Maybe Ronan and Jerrick can finally get the recognition they deserve for their sacrifices…

  • Senator María nods quietly at Cyrian I think it's a good idea. I will support this economicaly, should it be decided by the whole senate that there's permission for it to happen,of course.

    María glances at Lycka something tells me I won't be the only one delighted with with proposal, nor the only one willing to help with the monetary expenses. Grin