Holy Days - Week 4

  • Wednesday Jan 22 - Hammer 22 Tyr - The Blinding
    Open to all who can come to temple of the triad. Preaching type of event.

    Friday Jan 24 - Hammer 24 Deep Sashelas - Deep Ebb
    Journey will begin from Peltarch. Open to all except half-orcs and goblins/drow.

    Friday Jan 24 - Hammer 24 Istishia - Neap Tide
    Open to all, at the shrine of Istishia in Peltarch.

    The selection in the coming week is not very varied… regardless, make your pick. The events are held at 7pm GMT. Poll's open till monday morning 9am GMT.

  • Deep Sashelas seems to be the winner. Friday 7pm GMT. I'll put up a new poll tomorrow.