Seeking Enchanter

  • _The adventurer known as Cyrian has been asking around Peltarch for any who might be willing to perform some enchanting services. He mentions he will provide materials needed, the funds if it is not unreasonably priced, as well as offer to assist in the process if it will make it easier for the enchanter ((ill take the xp hit)).
    He would like to know how much such service would cost for some higher end enchantments ((8-9pt)).

    He also mentions that if anyone needs quality Armor, Leather Goods, or Arrows to be used for other enchantments or just used as they are, that he would be willing to take commissions. ((I can make most things but i don't keep a lot of the material on hand since its more fun to get a group and go adventuring for it as its needed))

    Interested persons can find him around Peltarch, or they may send a message to him at the Norwick Militia Barracks where he resides._
    ((pm or post here or find me in game))

  • Mystic hears the rumours and tries to find him…