New Job

  • I've been working on this for three years now, finally a new job. As of right now, its a temp position, only two weeks or so a long way from home, but with luck come March, 25 minutes from home and make my own hours with tons and tons of pay for me. 🙂

    My narf time in the next few weeks may be limited, as I'll be four hours from home, sorry for any who expected me to be around (DM Avenger) mostly. I -should- have internet connection at the hotel I'll be staying at, but nothing is for sure.

    If I can't make your event, Jonni is there in spirit translating, if needed for the gnolls to human contact. Feel free to use me as a non-present but still wanting to be their NPC for the event if I can't make it.

    Will keep you posted, but happy DrD is better then miserable DrD and I hope this new job will free up some time for me or at the very least not work me so hard so I'm exhausted all the time. Which means more DM and playing time if not tired. 😄

    I leave Wednesday afternoon and will be gone for a few weeks, unless I get internet connection there.

  • Congratulations!

    I hope things work out for you. A job you can enjoy with some extra money rolling in makes all the difference in the world.

    Good luck!

  • Legion


  • thumbs up and good luck!

  • Good luck and congrats! 😉

  • Congratulations man! Best of luck with that new adventure of yours! Safe travels and here's to climbing another step on the ladder!

  • I feeeeel ya. I'm working on something like that, and it'll probably take me 3 years to pull it off as well.

    Congratulations, and here's to a better life!

  • Congratulations! I hope it all works out as you expect, or better!

  • Hooray and here's hoping for functioning internet (and continued work of course)! 😄

  • That's quite good news. I hope it all works out nicely for you, good luck!