Les Enfants Terrible

  • _The word around the water-fountain is that there is a new "unofficial" orphanage being set up in Peltarch. The overflow of parentless children has apparently found a benefactor to stem the tide of destitution brought on by various regional conflicts.

    Currently, the kids are staying with a blond woman who's natural aptitude for empathy has overburdened her livelihood. Luckily, a few guardian angels from around the town have pitched in to bolster her staying power, as well as her now-joyous sense of gratitude and benevolence.

    Evil is being routed… and generosity is proving as efficacious a weapon as any blade or bow could ever hope to be._

  • A red-haired cleric wearing a rather tight-fitting black gown has been seen a couple of times telling stories to the children. When asked what her position was, she explained that she was not from Peltarch and only visited the city occasionally, but she was used to taking care of children.


  • :: Chea is actively looking for her ::

  • A cheerful gnomish bard is seen often with the kids, inventing all sort of crazy games with them and encouraging them to do the same, providing the place with much needed laughter. Rumor also spins about that said gnome is planning a charity concert sometime soon to help with whatever expenses this orphanage may have.

  • Legion

    Marty makes regular deliveries of warm clothing, fresh fruit and meat. she does so without much fuss or fanfare however.

  • An eccentric old elf and his little cat have taken to the group, working with with Serena and her children. He has more eyes than the two in his head keeping watch over the group, and takes measures that the women and her entourage remain healthy, happy, and unmolested by the ne'er-do-wells so common in large cities.