Breaking Baddies

  • None saw him approach the estate. None saw him slip the heavy envelope through the slot in the door. None saw his rapid steps carry him rapidly back in to the night.

    …none but the green-eyed vagabond watching from the rooftop, several houses down. The beggar he'd paid to make the drop would attract no attention from any would-be conniving dopplegangers, but Vash't lingered in the shadows of the high awning for a while longer before finally slipping in to the nothing below him. Overly cautious? There was no such term currently residing within his vocabulary.

    The parcel was addressed to one Lycka Zomasdottir. Within, packed and folded snuggly against one another, were two sheets of thick butcher paper.

    Upon one, in a hasty smattering of black ink, read the following:


    Enclosed is map to cave - last known loc of Nica double. Did not enter - too dangerous alone, if captured, could use likeness to hurt loved ones. Cannot risk. We mount surprise attack in force, plan in secret, THEY MUST NOT KNOW WE KNOW. Hope this + you = more answers.

    Thank you for help. Pls share with Nica. If she no trust this, say "R & S".


    P.S. Look forward to dinner!_

  • _Within the house, the parcel's intended recipient is last to rise, finding it placed neatly next to her towering piles of research (currently focused around golems and various types of constructs) when she makes her way to the desk at the crack of noon, steaming tea mug in one hand.

    Lycka yawns, pale brow lofting at the surprise find. She shuffles some books aside, places the mug precariously at the edge of the desk and opens the parcel, ice blue eyes narrowing slightly as she studies the contents.

    The map is unfolded and scrutinized with keen interest before she returns to the note for a second read, muttering quietly to herself._

    "At least he isn't -completely- stupid… hrmph..."

    Before packing the parcel and a few choice books up to bring with her to work, Lycka halts by the stove, deft fingers snatching up a recipe she had hidden away behind one of the pots. She looks it over, looks at the parcel again, then crumples the mystery recipe up and abandons any plans of cooking up a surprise for dinner.