• Mystic pins her second note on the board

    There will be a private auction held at the Mystical Lodge South west of Peltarch.

    ((sunday 3rd at 10 PM GMT +1)

  • Mystic returns to the board and she writes in large capitals over the long list of scrolls "SOLD"

  • Mystic adds to the board a long odd paperslip


    I am selling all my scrolls that I have kept far too long without any use of them. The offer is a "one bag deal" I am not interested in selling scrolls separately. Some are interesting some are not. The opportunity is open one week. (RL)

    Mystic River

    Below you find the scrolls included

    6 Death armors
    10 Resist Elements
    4 Gust of wind
    1 Clairvoyance
    5 Animate dead
    4 Death wards
    7 Hold person
    2 Evards tentacles
    6 Bestow Curse
    2 Slow
    1 Haste
    2 Silence
    2 Fireball
    2 Vampiric Touch
    2 Dominate person
    1 Cone of Cold
    2 Contagion
    1 Remove Curse
    1 True Strike
    1 Lesser dispel
    1 Invisible Purge
    1 Entropic Shield
    2 Summon Creature III
    1 Quill Fire
    1 Hammer of the Gods
    1 light
    1 Aid
    1 Remove blindness
    2 Remove paralysis
    1 Combust
    10 Sancturay

  • ((Will be postponed to prolly some night this week or week end, I realized I seriously need help to value the things Mystic got as I as player have no idea whats all Mystic got is worth, mean while My can dispose of things that isnt worth anything like low lvl scrolls, potions etc))

    My pins a note on the board

    Looking for a professional auctioneer!

    Please contact Mystic River at the Mystical lodge