Create-a-newbie Event
Hey there!
I'm planning to run an event next saturday at, say, noon my time (GMT+3).
Basically, it's only for new characters. The character races/gender etc. will be random, and rolled when the event starts. You can figure out your backstory from there.
If you survive the event, you will start at level 3. If you don't, you're permadead.
There's a possibility no-one survives.. or everyone does. Or something inbetween
Let me know if there's any interest for this kind of event.
I imagine you log into whatever PC you want, everyone get ported somewhere OOC for a bit while you roll the random character, then you log off and make that PC.
What he said.
grumbles I wish I could sleep till 11 am, cant remember when I did that last,
.. I be fixing ballons, birthday cakes and god knows what from like 8.30 :roll:
It strikes me that I need to get up before noon (gasp) on blessed Sloth-Saturday for this… if I'm late, just assume sleep continued to claim me and go ahead! :lol:
I imagine you log into whatever PC you want, everyone get ported somewhere OOC for a bit while you roll the random character, then you log off and make that PC.
How will this work? Assuming I get up before 5AM, how do I show up for the event? To sign into Narfel, you need to specify a character. Do we roll up a random character on our own and arrive with it? Do we show up with our regular character, and then are given a list of new characters to play? Who decides what character we play?
I'll try to make it.
Well, the London time seems correct, so they all SHOULD be
5 am my time as well - I'll try however
Wow. This sounds like fun. Too bad it's 5AM my time, and I have a rehearsal later that morning. But maybe, just maybe. I'll see how I feel Friday night. I just got home from a five-day trip.
Added this to the calendar.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE verify that I got the times correct!
That is an awsome idea… too bad I have my youngest birthday party at that time...! Have fun you all!
Count me in!
That's 7pm my time. I may be able to do that. Interested.