Mara Hiltold's Adventurer's Auction

  • Word has spread that the halfling Selunite warrior and missionary Mara Hiltold (also known as Mooncandy) has been looking for individuals to help participate in an adventurer's auction, catered to help new and experienced adventurers alike. She would like to have it hosted within the Lighthouse Temple.

    Anyone interested in participating as a buyer or a seller may contact Mooncandy or Maki Hiltold if they're interested.

    10% of all funds generated from selling items will be donated to the lighthouse temple for upkeeps of various shrines as well as the orphanage.


    I am looking for a lot of people to attend.

    The auction format will be like so:

    [Auction date will be 3 weeks from today. So [color=orange:a696c5ab62]Satuday the 19th, October 2013.

    -PART ONE of the auction will be catered to people who just started adventuring. I encourage people to bring their lower level PCs as I would like to try and first sell gear catered to lower levels to help them out. People will be limited to purchasing 2 items max, and individuals cannot win 2 items in a row.

    Each person is allowed a maximum of 2 PCs to attend this auction, their lesser well equipped for first part, and whoever after the intermission (stuff will get more expensive)

    -There will be a recess then, and if DMs have no issue with it, during this recess, I'd like people with higher level pcs or ones with more gold to spend to participate (So log off your current lowbie and get your guys with money), as part 2 will have more of the big ticket items for sale that can go anywhere from 1000 to the sky's the limit. Same rules apply. PCs may win up to 2 items max, and they cannot bid on 2 items in a row.

    Another further rule I would ask, is people only bid on what they can afford at the current time. I don't want people lending gold to each other during the event, you can only spend what you have in your own pocket.

    Also, I don't mind people buying things for others if they can't make the auction, but please don't crush people in a bidding war just because you're rich so you can buy an item for someone who wasn't able to attend the auction.

    NOTE TO EVIL PC PLAYERS: There will be a lot of IC goodie goodies there, and Moon herself will try to restrict obviously evil people. So, as suggestion perhaps, find a way around it!

    One I actually don't mind if DMS are fine with it, coordinate with other players to perhaps have a proxy bidder for you, someone who isn't evil alignment, and you yourself do the same. So lets say for example, Kyan and Quelcoth wanted to participate in the auction. Well, if their players have lower level pcs that associate with them, a neutral pc of Kyans could bid for Quelcoth items, and a neutral PC of Quelcoth can bid for kyan. I would not consider this twinking as per fact its kyan and quelcoth's gold thats being spent on these neutral PCs that could serve as minions, in which they will receive the items in the end and the minions get paid whatever for their work (or death). (I need an opinion on this)

  • (Been so busy with life I never got a chance to update this. I still want to do this in November sometime. Apologies!)