Help Wanted ((Saturday, October 5th))

  • A note crops up in Peltarch.

    _"Seeking cryptologist. Must be able to rapidly solve puzzles and riddles under duress and threat of death/dismemberment*. Must be willing to travel to the abyss. Remuneration of 1500 gold, means of travel covered.

    See Raryldor for details.

    *Not responsible for loss of life, limb, or soul, or entrapment by extraplanar entities"_

  • Plots on hold until I can get a hold of Crafty. I've also been very busy recently, so consider this a temporary hiatus.

  • ((Bueller?))

  • Tomorrow is the next installment of the plot. 7:00 pm central time.

  • Alright, so this is a reminder that we're on for Saturday, September 28th at 7:00 pm central time. Those who are interested in coming, please feel free to log in, Raryldor won't turn folks away without reasonable justification (no priests of Gruumsh or evil necromancers, par example).

    OOC, I'm not quite sure to expect, but the keywords are labyrinth, abyss, traps, riddles, and dangerous, so be prepared.

    See you then!

  • So hi everyone. I got in contact with Crafty; his internet blew up and he'd been unable to contact me about it in time for last Saturday. I talked to him today and we'll be on for this Saturday, the 28th, at 7:00 pm central time. I intend to work with those who show up - we drew a high level crowd last time and imagine we will again. If you read this Crafty, can you please confirm in this thread? Thanks.

  • ((Saturday evening at 7:00 pm central time.))

  • Another note is left in the Dancing Mermaid in for Raryldor in regards to his trip to the abyss.


    Yer mum is tanned._

    The author of the note does not leave his name. Whoever could this be?

  • ((Saturday evening, 7:00 pm central time. If you see this, crafty, please confirm. I wont turn folks away barring compelling reason; we have a portal so thers no arbitrary limits to group size. Mind that this will be dangerous, and while the shesae have a remarkable track record of keeping lowbies alive, i cant make any ooc guarantees.))

    • María reads the note and tilts her head. Then leaves a note at the inn to be delivered to him next time he spends a night there*

    "Despite our differences, I understand you'll have a very good reason to go to the Abyss, else you would not even consider going there. I have an open mind and arrogance aside, i'm probable one of the smartest mages in the land.
    Would you not find any other person suitable to aid you, I'll do what I can.
