Searching for a Necromancer
Eme wrote
All I hear is crying, but suit yourself.
chuckles and shakes head Suit myself?? Errr… I rather spend time with two wonderful daughters than having someone... Point finger calling me "Crying!!!"... seriously ... :lol:
I only meant to state the reason I will not participate - is all *shrugs and now it escalated to some emotional rubbish
Don't worry.
Be happy.
Don't stand next to Shally.
All I hear is crying, but suit yourself.
I am sure the people that do go will be happy to live an epic tale to remember and tell, gathering the fitting rewards to a dangerous event that you chose not to be part of. That's just so you can keep crying at them being even higher level and better geared, or making a number about feeling left aside.
Eme wrote:
@526a055cbf:To be fair, I've been joining deadly events on Elaine since she was level 5-6. She's a sorceress without any single damage spell, other than Magic Missile which is pretty much default as level 1 choice, and I've always felt like she's contributed to the cause in her own way.
Good for you Eme!
Eme wrote:
@526a055cbf:… in my opinion there is nobody and nothing to blame but one's self esteem. I'd kind of understand it as a noncaster melee character that one would fear to become a liability, but not as a powerful caster like a cleric with so rich and ample variety of lifesaving buffing, protection and healing spells
Kris.. at lvl 5 cleric (not much of a powerful divine caster there) and 3 ranger is a kind of PC I dont really care if she dies or not, other than it would spoil the fun for the party.. yeah feel free click kill her… I dont mind.
The discussion here is not about being able to contribute ( I am fairly comfortable with my RP skills ), its about what fun for everyone, I rather enjoy my time with family than eating the crumbs from from someones elses "gaming" table.
…and by that I believe we closed this discussion
Have fun y'all! Stay safe and dont die
For my money, I can't get enough of trailing behind power builds and uber equipped people. It's everything I ever dreamed of from NWN.
To be fair, I've been joining deadly events on Elaine since she was level 5-6. She's a sorceress without any single damage spell, other than Magic Missile which is pretty much default as level 1 choice, and I've always felt like she's contributed to the cause in her own way.
I can tell of an event where she was level 6-8 (can't remember exactly) in which she joined a party that was up against an army of drow with a shadow dragon and Elaine's Hastes on the frontliners made a good difference, as well as saving the life of a couple of feared/stunned allies by making them invisible when they were getting beat on defenseless. And to put a cherry on the cake, she managed to hit a Hold Person on the boss Drow High Priestess that was the leader of the drow warband and was being a tremendous pain in the ass with her spells while being manually controlled by the DM. That put a quick end to all of the problems we were having. In that group there were strong and accomplished characters like Eragor, Albryanna or Lycka, amongst others.
Getting killed in one blow? Well that's the life of a few classes, and for clerics it's not remotely as bad as, say, bards, mages or rogues, which in some cases are not safe from getting instagibbed even at level 15. The thing is not being there to take the blow.
What I'm saying is that when one doesn't feel that her level 7-10 character can make a difference in a non level restricted party, in my opinion there is nobody and nothing to blame but one's self esteem. I'd kind of understand it as a noncaster melee character that one would fear to become a liability, but not as a powerful caster like a cleric with so rich and ample variety of lifesaving buffing, protection and healing spells.
Gonnar wrote:
@814de0e713:I don't believe in level restrictions, except you are aiming for low level events. The reason is that anyone, even a lvl 2, can make the difference in an event, with a good idea, a good RP roll, or simply a timely minor healing spell.
Ofcourse I know that
but seeing the powerbeasts signing up I as player thought… meh... I wont have any significant role in it Rp nor healing, as Kris healing would not even be noticed in the uber lvl Health bar. I dont think lvl 8 is a low lvl really. I personally think if it is the opinion that lvl 8-9 is a low lvl we are doing something wrong, but thats only what I beleive shrugs. However, for the uberplayer to have fun you need to spawn critters that could kill a lvl 8 in instant blow.
Hence, Kris will quietly reside in the commons hoping and praying everyone comes back alive, and I as player can spend time w family
I have to abort. Got a thing. Sorry.
I don't believe in level restrictions, except you are aiming for low level events. The reason is that anyone, even a lvl 2, can make the difference in an event, with a good idea, a good RP roll, or simply a timely minor healing spell.
I could participate in this event but will not as my PC is only lvl 8, and I have more fun RPing in the commons, than staying in the back "healing" as was suggested to me as player (all with good intentions and I know that
). Kris is not 100% cleric anyways so her part in this is pretty insignificant anyways.
Good luck everyone!
Suggestion: eventhough I wasnt sure that PC Jonni would approve of Kris going, as stated in the original post it is Jonnis final call wo joins or not, its good to post the lvl restriction from start.So one knows before hand if its any point to make plans for it or not
I have to drive someone to the airport on sunday morning. Depending on traffic, I might be back in time to join.
I might be 20 minutes or so late (I'm singing in church that morning), but I will try to make it with either Shesarai or Romulus. It sounds like a pretty high-level party so perhaps Romulus would be better.
If you are 20 min late only, im sure i can give you a port to wherever everyone is
Diadne was there last time, and she'll try to make it again
Mark, the Saviour of Towns, make it known to Jonny and all pretty girls around that he is willing to assist in this task.
I might be 20 minutes or so late (I'm singing in church that morning), but I will try to make it with either Shesarai or Romulus. It sounds like a pretty high-level party so perhaps Romulus would be better.
Login: AubreyMaturin
Characters: Romulus Grey, Bard the bowman
Trotter, Spooky halfling ranger
Shesarai Foutopolis, Red-haired cleric of Mystra
Cecil makes it known that he'd like to add his aid once again, especially after the undead in the common commotion.
The warrior-monk of Red Knight, Shallyah Rethshinei, will once again assist in thwarting the plans of the vile necromancer and anyone working with him to threaten Peltarch and her people.
The quiet monk Kess politely offers her assistance as well.
Kristelle will be there if RL doesnt need me badly
Ashena offers her blade to the expedition.