Legan Axcleln

  • Character name: Legan Axcleln
    Player Name: mcp.993

    "Oi nay wan'ta be a miner fer all me life Pa. Oi wan'ta make the Soul Forger smile, see? Tha clan means e'erythin' ta me, but oi nay can stay 'round 'ere f're'er, aye?"

    With those words, Legan departed the mining town of Mirabar, and started to the east. He crossed the whole of the Silver Marshes and the Anauroch, the Desertmouth mountains and Cormanthor, dealing swift and brutal death to every goblin that stood in his path.

    Going through the Earthspur mountains and into Damara, where he stayed for a few months to regain his strength, he learned of the several goblinoid settlements in the Rawlinswoods.

    "Tha scum be wot? Trainin' wolves ye say? They be feelin' me blade they will! Wot?! Wigglers too? Oi nay like them wigglers one bit! Wiggler gobber jus' be askin' fer me blade through their gut! Ha!

    And so, the dwarf entered the Rawlinswoods through Damara to look for these wolf training goblins, not without clearing the entire stock of ale in every inn he went first, though. And he went to them all.

    After a few more days of goblin bashing on his own, he found a group of five dwarves next to a lake with a large tower in the middle of it, who were doing the exact same thing. Happy to see his kin again, Legan joined up with them as they went on the search for the missing kin in the elven camp.

    "Moradin be praised, oi found me sum kin! Now them gobbers be seein' how stuff be done!"

  • ICC

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