The new magistrate hearing - from a citizen perspective

  • ((dont know where else to put this))

    In the crowd there is an extravagant dressed woman, her rich blonde locks spun like gold matches perfectly to the deep red silk and velvet. The expression on her face shows great amusement but there is also a hint of curiosity that this actually intrigued her

    "quite a spectacle" she says nodding to the commoner next to her

  • Jason looks to Brumir a moment seeming to consider his choice of words a moment then speaks in a soft tone

    While I do not believe for a moment Sirion sleeps with Liches, though has associated with them, I know that Young Rath does not in any form associate with them in any form nor bed with them.

  • @46cbe837e6=destinysdesire1:

    Jason murmurs softly in response as he watches the proceedings

    He is a fine Knight, I think he would do very well by the people. At least for what I have seen of him.

    _Brumir, standing near Jason in the crowd mutters a response

    "Iffn' he ain't a lich farker like Sirion, dat makes him better in me eyes."_

  • Jason murmurs softly in response as he watches the proceedings

    He is a fine Knight, I think he would do very well by the people. At least for what I have seen of him.

  • Mystic hears about the Ashald junior attempt for the seat of the Magistrate. She speaks with the "next commoners" of her approval and if so even encouraging his nomination, as he once tested her intentions and good will, and came out with nothing that would prove anything against it.

    "He would be my choice for the people if it matters, not the elven rat…"

  • The Dwarf's face darkens as the senate begins to vote and Sirion's name is called several times. He tightens his fists and snarls through his fiery red beard, then turns and bulls his way through the crowd to the exit. Before making his way out of the city, he stops and grumbles in quiet conversation with any Dwarf he comes across.

  • @19d708edab=cardamon:

    I am a necromancer.

    The dwarf spits and mutters quietly

    "This dishonorable rat should o' showed up wit rope 'round his skinny neck instead…"

  • A gruff, battle scarred dwarf spits at the sight of Sirion and snorts his resentment throughout the speech. He folds his burly arms over his barrel-chest and grumbles to the folk beside him.
    "Lets see if these Senators got enough sense ter see this black hearted, lich kissin' sissy fer wut he really is…"