Random thoughts of Salin Ashald
A few tendays ago I face my toughest challenge yet. I didn't write it at the time because I was shaking so much I couldn't even think straight, let alone write.
A group of adventures went to the Halls of Hunger, some sort of pocket-plane filled with undead, with an entrance below the morgue in Peltarch. The trip went off with a grim start as I was knocked out a few feet past the door. Luckily Leena and Jonni brought me back from the brink of death and I was able to carry on… Kessmiah, however was not so lucky... She fell to the first wave of undead just before we defeated it. We proceeded forward, and did not stop facing wave after wave after wave of undead, wights, wraiths, giant undead... All of them fell to the might of the warriors who signed for this endeavor. In the end, we retrieved what we were searching for and returned to the Prime Material, but not before Jonni was himself knocked out, to be brought back just in time as well. I never seen such a display of bravery and organization, apart from military forces, which we were not. returning home, we were surprised by a small army of succubi, that caused Troff to fall, but we managed to defeat them as well, battered and depleted as we were...
I still don't know how Leena feels about me, she says she feels closer to me than almost anyone else, and yet... I don't know...
Anyway, on happier news, I finally got rid of Thut! I'm still not sure if he'll return or not, but for now, Dawn's with me. She said Mystra sent her to block Thut out, but he might show up through other means... She's a panther and she's got energy like I've never seen, and got in a little misunderstanding with Elaine over Jonni already, but I think everything's alright now. In fact, I think I'll ask Leena to have a little druid talk with her, to see if she can be calmed down a bit. Whatever happens though, if Thut shows up again, he's a dead pup. I'm also growing stronger in my magical abilities, as I learned three new spells: Magic Circle, Ghostly Visage, and Endure Elements. Also Sir Jason offered me squiredom in the Forsworn... I will need to speak to María to make sure this wont interfere with my duties as a Spellweaver, but more than that... I don't know if I want to walk the path to nobility once more... I don't think I'd fit in that world anymore... On the other hand, old habits do die hard... That part of me still lingers and wants me to accept... I need to think.
these last couple of tendays have been rather uneventful, apart from the usual outings to keep all sorts of nasty creatures at bay, including a rather intense experience as i ventured the underdark on my own to meet with my friends (i figured they have cleared everything out, but still it was a bit frightening… Kuo Toa can see through invisibilty, so there's no way to hide in case push comes to shove). They were hunting Umberhulks with Eragor, but a bunch of people showing up on such a dangerous place for that long on a GPS is never a good sign...
Anyway, besides that, nothing interesting's been happening lately, so I decided today would be the day I'd pick up on crafting. I started with woodworking, since most of the weapons I use are made of it. Perhaps when I learn how to enchant stuff I can have something made by me from start to finish? That would be great.
The one bad thing about the last few tendays, is that I haven't seen Leena even once... Elaine says she must be on the woods someplace, doing some druid stuff, and that she could be out there for months, or years even... I'm a bit worried about her, but I know she can take care of herself...
Speaking of Elaine, I think she's starting to see me less as a threat to her sister, though she's still not letting her guard down, which is a good thing. I would never forgive myself if something were to happen to Leena because of me, so it's good to knowing that Elaine is there, just in case. In her own words: "I know you won't hurrt Leena, because if you do..."
And that's about it... I bought a sling from Lomir, helped the recently arrived Len train against kobolds in the swamps, and all around been trying to do as much good as i can to get this taint from me... Although a showdown with Thut will be inevitable to make that final push... But I'll worry about that when the time comes, and not a moment sooner. Oh, I also helped the dwarves on a mining trip to the cold caves... Almost freezed to death a couple times, but we all were ae to get out in one piece, despite the hordes of ogres that kept coming at us... While encumbered with tons of ore. I keep thinking I'm always pretty much useless in these outings, as I can't really fight or scout, and there's always a mage more powerful than me to buff people up, but this time I actually made myself useful by making everyone invisible so we could go through the gnolls without having to fight them with all that ore, at least until we got to the pass, where their numbers were more manageable. It was a most successful trip aven got a new amulet to protect me from cold, if I ever find myself going to that place again...
Heading off to the Mermaid tonight, had to haul a bunch of deadwood logs (which i completely ruined without being able to make even a single bolt) to the crafting hall in Peltarch and I'm too tired to go back to Norwick.
People care too much for what doesn't matter, and too little for what does…
Today i traveled to Hoarsgate with Sir Rath, to request Lord Ashald some tomes on the Ashald family history, to see if we are indeed related. On the boat, this guard kept insulting Sir Rath, calling him a bastard (I don't care if he is one, calling him what he is is one thing, mocking him for what he is is an entirely different matter) and his mother a whore. I kind of let it go when it was about Sir Rath, but when his mother came into the subject, I got really close of sending that guard packing with one of my Magic Missiles. In fact, the only reason I didn't, is because Sir Rath asked me to stand down (even though I'm not sure he knew what i was planning - he just saw me arguing with the guard).
Beyond that, the journey was pretty much uneventful, as was the entire conversation with Lord Ashald (or his secretary, she was the one who did most of the actual talking). She told us she'd send the tomes to the Temple of the Triad in peltarch and then we'd sort out this mystery once and for all.On our way back, Sir Rath asked me if I was aware of my taint. I told him I was, but that i only figured it out after we went to Damara, where he had vouched for my good character, and that I wouldn't jeopardize his reputation if i had found out sooner. He then asked me if i had considered Siamorphe as a Deity to atone by, but I replied i was already working with Shesarai for Mystra's favor.
After that, we discussed on the nature of nobility, as I expressed my disgust toward that guard's attitude. Sir Rath seemed to be accomodated to the fact that he is a bastard, and that he is supposed to be called out on it by everyone. I told him that family is more than just blood, and that if his father called him son, he was is son, and everyone else could just shut up and be done with it. People are people, not mistakes to be made. If blood was really all that mattered, I would be in Peltarch with all those fancy suits and whatnot, and I'd feel good about it. Instead, where I truly feel good is in Norwick, because that's where i chose to be, and where the best people I know live. They don't care if I'm rich or poor, tainted or not. They care about me and that I'm the best I can be, while supporting me on my decisions. That, for me, is just as important a bond as the blood that flows in my veins. People like Leena (regardless of whether she sees me like I see her or not), Elaine, Jonni, Willow, Macmonogog, Shesarai, Louis... Those people are my family now. Even if I am one of "The" Ashalds, that will never change.
A circle was drawn around this Never forget to tell them you care.
((OOC Note: Yes, I really like playing with you folks, it's not just Salin talking
- Although there are several people missing there, but that goes in the Kudos Thread
I returned from my retreat today. I was thinking of sending a few letters to Louis as I perused the books he lent me, but Thut settled the choice for me better than I ever could. He told me He had chosen me, not the other way around. It was nothing I had done, I was just supposed to be their tool, their puppet. I knew there was nothing evil within me, so now I can focus more easily on getting rid of this taint. I have asked for Shesarai's guidance back to the path of Mystra. I don't know what I'll have to do, but I'll do it. Leena said the only reason Thut keeps showing up, is because I want him to. If I ignore him, he'll eventually go away and make room for a different familiar. I know Louis will think i'm rushing and making random decisions that i don't think through, but this time, I have all the evidence I need that this is not the path I'm willing to take. It would only harm me in the long run. I do not wish to live in fear, doing the bidding of an evil god. I am the master of my own fate, and there's nothing, and no one, that can force me into choosing whatever path they want me to. I have a feeling my trials are not yet over, as Thut promised to be back, but that is of no consequence. I will not give up and I will overcome everything those fiends may throw my way…
A lot went through my mind these past few tendays… So much so that I need to go over everything. I need to truly look at myself and see what's inside. Louis tells me we are what we are, Shesarai tells me we make our own choices. Willow says I think too much and Leena... Well, I can't stop thinking I disappointed her. Also, it seems Sir Jason saw me running for the gates the other day, as he approached me saying he could help me with my problem, if i was willing to accept the help... I may as well take it, but I really need to think this through first...
Starting from the beginning, i met with Shesarai, and she told me Silvanius had spoken to her, so she knew what my problem was. She reassured me nothing was lost, that I was not yet doomed, and told me this story, about a man, who was an apprentice under an evil sorcerer, and, because of his evil deeds, became deformed. One day, he met a Paladin of Tyr, and fell in love with her, but she wouldn't so much as look at him if she saw his taint, so he used a magic mask to hide it away. The man started doing all sorts of good and heroic deeds to impress her, and they eventually got married. However, the evil mage that had trained him showed up a few years later and blackmailed the man, threatening he'd expose his ruse. The man, however, was not afraid, and defied the mage, saying he was ready to face the consequences of his actions. So the mage convinced a paladin to detect evil next to the man's wife, but found nothing. Angered, the mage cast dispel magic to destroy the mask, but there was no longer a mask to be destroyed. The man was truly good. After that, she sent me to the temple of Mystra, saying that there was no chance for anyone to interfere with my prayers there. It was getting late, so I headed for the Grapevine for some rest, figuring I could go there in the morning, and there i saw Leena. We talked for a while, and then I ended up telling her I had to go to the temple. She asked me why, and I told her i'd explain after i returned, and asked her to join me on the way up. Once I got to the temple, i started praying by the altar, and felt this positive energy flowing through me... Almost as if the evil was being cleansed from my soul, but still not entirely, and in a vision, She showed me a mask being placed on someone's face, then a ring on someone's finger. I assumed that'd be the mask Shesarai told me about, and asked the Goddess for a way to get it. She showed me the a normal store in a cave, and the town of Oscura. I returned to Leena and told her I had somewhere else to go, but that it'd be a bit unpleasant. She guessed right away that we were going to Oscura, but still accepted to go with me. On the boat, I told her everything. She told me this was not the way, that hiding away from the problem would not solve it, but i didn't listen. I was so focused on feeling some kind of relief that i just tried to convince myself i had to do this. I suppose the Gods were favoring her this day... She has a whole team of them on her side so, i figured that was bound to happen. But what really clicked on me were her eyes, the disappointment in them. That's when i saw that i'd rather face the wrath of all the paladins of Toril and all the planars of Celestia than risk disappointing her. So I just gave up on the search. Louis saw what i was doing though, so he tried to test me to make sure my decision was final, and suggested a retreat so that i could say beyond any doubt that it was.
Returning from Oscura, I asked to speak with her, apologized for my behavior, thanked her for being there and explained my reasoning. She told me she was glad i chose to do this, that i could count on her for help, that i was a good ally and that she didn't want to lose me. I really don't want to lose her either. I felt a little better knowing she'd be there to help and we went back to the commons before Elaine showed up thinking I had kidnapped her sister.
In the commons, a druid summoned her companion, which happened to be a giant spider, and Hen killed it on the spot, without warning. The Druid obviously was angered at this and cast a spell on Hen, riddling her with maggots. An awkward animosity installed in the commons, so Leena, Elaine, the Druid and me decided to head off back to Norwick.
We did so and I ended up staying by the gates as they proceeded to the woods. Hen showed up immediately after, saying that the Druid was lucky she had company, and Raryldor immediately told her to shut up, that that was not the way elves settled things. The druid returned and the two women exchanged a few menacing glances at each other, a few unkind words, with Raryldor trying to get them both to stop talking, and then the druid going her way as Hen stayed, along with Elaine who had joined us in the meantime, and a warrior named Cecil. Before we knew it, we had gathered a small army around the gates, most of which were elves, the few exceptions being myself, Cecil, Romulus, Magistrate D'Arneau, Beorn and Elaine. Eventually we decided to continue our quest to destroy the elven gems and managed to destroy one more. After that, I headed to the Grapevine to retrieve some of my belongings, and now I'm headed for my retreat, to try and find some answers to these questions that have been haunting me.
I told Louis about what had happened, but he didn't seem concerned at all… I think he had been expecting it all along... But he did ask me a few important questions... Why do I want to get rid of this Aura? Why did I help repel the attacks on Norwick? Was it because I was concerned about the people, or was it because I was trying to further my arcane abilities? I answered it was because it's where the people I care about live. He asked me if I was happy with my life before finding out, I told him I was in Waterdeep, until the drow came...
Before he left, he only asked me if I'd hide and pretend nothing happened, or if I'd embrace who I am... At least there's someone who won't judge me or flee because of this...
I need to think.
Good deeds… Seem to be meaningless, when the path is already laid out for you...
I was just returning from Peltarch, when I stumbled upon Shesarai and a hin, named Tiff (short for Tiffiny I guess). We decided to go hunting goblins, but this it was different, I wanted to end these damned attacks once and for all, I wanted to make a difference, for the good of all! So we went in, avoiding all confrontation with them, which I figured their leader found odd, as he sent an emissary to speak with us. It demanded to know why we were on their territory and I told it it was because they kept coming to ours. So to settle this once and for all, their best mage challenged me on a magic duel. If I won, they'd leave us alone; if not, all remained the same. I accepted on the condition that we'd keep it clean, no one had to die. So the mage came and started taunting me that he had slain a bugbear. I laughed and replied I had slain a dragon, and asked it to forfeit and reconsider. It didn't so there the duel began. It started with invisibilty but I countered it. It tried again, to no effect once again. Then it got bolder and started sending daze and magic missiles an ice daggers, but I countered all. After its spells were depleted, I cast fear to send it away without killing it. After that, Tiff challenged one of their warriors for a fight. I told the goblin that was out of my grasp if someone was to die, but it agreed nonetheless. After all was done, I asked the emissary what power it had. It said he couldn't make decisions, so I made the most frightening face I could, and clearly told him to leave us alone. Not just the three of us, but the whole town. The goblin agreed and off he ran, to tell his chief what had happened. We returned to Norwick, victorious and I fell good, beause I have done something meaningful for all of us. That's when everything fell apart for me The saddness and shame and sorrow can clearly be seen in his handwriting from that last sentence onwards
I returned at the gates and there was the Magistrate D'arneau and Silvanius. Silvanius sensed something evil, so we went outside to check if there was something there. Then he told me. I was that something. ME! I AM TAINTED! I couldn't believe it, so I went to pray to Mystra, She'd tell me what to do. "She" told me to go to the Temple of Lathander, so I did. I passed by Hen and other people, but couldn't even face them, so I just had Silver run as fast as he could and went up the hill. I almost fell from him as I dismounted, but managed to keep balance and headed to the door. What horror in my face when I found a barrier keeping me out! I knew the gods wouldn't have evil taint their temples, so I ran toward the hills and HE showed up. Thut, the Hound. He told me he was a servant of Bane and that it was Bane that had been answering my prayers, not Mystra. I heard in shock as he told me the reason why he saved me from the attack on Waterdeep: He brought me to narfell to stop Louis. Thut says Louis wants to control the church of Bane. I don't believe him. I think Louis wants to sever his family's connections with the Banites, and they wanted to trick me into stopping him. I will not be Bane's tool. I will not, I will not, I WILL NOT! I must speak to Shesarai, she's a priestess of Mystra, like mother was, she might be able to help me... Willow is right in front of me, and she deserves to hear the truth, but how will she react? She'll be so mad at me... I'm sorry my friend, I didn't know...
Once again I find myself in the need of catching up, as I really had no time to write last tenday…
So, I finally figured out how to quickly reload my crossbow for firing. Foolish me was looking in all the wrong places! I didn't have to modify the crossbow, I just had to find a proper quiver! I managed to build a type of quiver that can be attached to any crossbow, and it just drops the next bolt as soon as I pull back on the string. Efficiency at its best! Now the next step is training how to fire it from horseback, so I can help my friends faster if I ever need to.
However, I begin to see what Thut meant when he told me about Louis... Seems his family has some kind of connection with the Banites, but he assured me he was not in league with them. I"m going to trust him for the time being, as he has yet to give me reason not to, but I surely don't want to be in any way rumored to be associated with Banites...
A few days later, I went goblin hunting with another warrior, but we were ambush just as we reached tlheir haunt and were force to make an early retreat... They are up to something, I can feel it... Their numbers grow everyday, even despite the frequent patrols...
Then it was gnoll hunting time, with Sir Rath and Sir Horst. As we made our way to their forest, Romulus grey and Mystic joined up with us, and after I saw her cast invisibility on herself, something clicked on my head and the spell just came to me, after several months of evading my grasp. I also learned how to dispel magic, something that has been popping up in my head for a while now, but that I was never able to actually do.
Several days later, just at the end of this tenday, one of the guards in Norwick told us (myself, Eilonna, Shesarai, Raryldor and Trish) there were reports of a dragon lurking about in the Rawlins. I was kind of frightened, as I never seen a dragon before, but when I actually saw him, I had to show no fear. It was just a large green lizard, I told myself, and I started trying to appeal to its ego in an effort to send it away, but clearly it wanted either treasure or blood. Eilonna offered her shield and Shesarai a spell crystal, but it was not enough. Then Eilonna offered gold (I'm assuming it was gold, she referred to it as a "time buyer"), but it turned that down as well. So, as the former didn't work, we gave it the latter, but not in the way it was expecting. I was shaking all around, but I still managed to get a few bolts through its thick skin, as did Elessar and Sûldîn, who had joined us in the meantime. It was Eilona, however, who finally fell the beast. Upon closer inspection, she found that the dragon was gravely ill, its scales already rotting, so we decided to burn it and bury the ashes, as Eilonna muttered a prayer to her god.
Ater that, we searched for the dragon's hoard, but found nothing, so we returned to Norwick to report in. Now I'm at the inn, resting from that whole deal. I never thought I'd ever battle a dragon, let alone defeat one... My life really changed a lot since Waterdeep...
"Weirdness" seems to be the keyword this tenday…
As I was working on my crossbow, trying to figure out a way to make the whole process of loading a new bolt for firing more efficient, Leena comes running through the gates, longbow in hand and apparently being chased. I was about to get ready to cast a spell at whatever was chasing her when I realized it was just Elaine and Jonni. Apparently Leena walked in on them as she returned home that morning. An awkward moment no doubt. But what made this whole deal weird was when they started talking about smells. Leena said something about not wanting to have any funny ideas because of the way Jonni smelled... And then it got worse, as they started talking about getting Leena a "mate", Elaine comes my way saying "what about this one?" and starts sniffing me. Apparently I smell like smoke and stone... I don't know what that was all about, but I do NOT smell like smoke and stone. I do spend a lot of time near the fire in Norwick, but I bathe every day... Oh well, eventually the twins made some druidic blood pact regarding who slept on the cushions or something and everything was settled just like that.
Still on Leena, she seemed a bit mad at Silvanius... From what I could gather, they went to the crypts to clear them of undead. At some point, I assume after Leena ran out of healing spells, they pondered on whether they should proceed forward, or return home. Silvanius apparently insisted they kept going, and almost let the zombies get him. She thought he'd have healing potions, but he didn't, which prompted her to scold him for being reckless. I'm not sure I got the whole story here, but seems Leena did have reasons to be mad at him...
Anyway, after all that was settled, Louis, who had arrived in the meantime, suggested we'd go search the hobgoblin cave for scrolls for his spellbook. So there we went, Louis, Leena, Rasuil and me. it was pretty much an uneventful trip, except for the fact that it seemed like there were more hobgoblins than usual in those caves... I really can't shake the feeling they're up to something bigger than a few random gate attacks...
Also, we discussed the matter of the gems that have been worrying the elves... Louis hypothesised that, should the destruction of the gems be impossible, they could try to transfer the... Let's say "contents", to a different, easier to break, container, to make them easier to retrieve... I'm not sure that would work, but what do I know of these things?
As I made the journey up the Nars to sell the spoils of our outing in Peltarch, I was forced to camp near the Legion tower, as I didn't want to risk being unprepared in case a stray gnoll made its way to the path. As I settled by the campfire, Thut showed up to tell me some news about Waterdeep. Seems the drow invasion has been dealt with, as some Hero from Hilltop traveled to the Underdark and killed the drow queen. I assumed it'd be safe to return home then, but he said that apparently, the drow had bound some devil that was released upon her death, and that it was now making its way to the surface, so I should stay away from Waterdeep for now. I heard Shannon say that he had faced demons and devils in Jyyd, maybe he could take care of that too? On second thought, Waterdeep is too far for anyone here to be able to do anything, so I just hope they can handle it back there...
But the weirdest thing happened at the end of the tenday. This man shows up at the gates, almost bleeding to death from cuts all over his body, so Raryldor immediately cast a healing spell on him. Instead of being thankful, however, this guy starts yelling at him about a ritual being ruined or something, and for some reason cursed Trish. I gave her a potion to remove the curse, but for some reason that didn't work. That's when I noticed her hair was growing darker, and Leena figured it was a case of lycanthropy, so she gave Trish some leaves to try to stop her from turning, as she tied her up just in case. Surprisingly that didn't work either and Trish became a panther! The ropes fell to ground as she did, but Trish was still in control of herself, so there was no no need to tie her up again. The man was nowhere to be seen so we could "ask" him to undo what he had done, so we had to find a way to get her back to normal by ourselves. We pondered whether we should use my wish gem to fix her, or ask the Gods to do it, but in the end we ended up using arcane methods and simply cast Greater Dispelling at her, which seemed to do the trick. What surprised me the most was that Silver did not run away from Trish (i'd assume horses would be afraid of panthers, but somehow it saw that it was still a person in there and even started "petting" her! Horses are amazing sometimes...
In the end, I was glad that everything had worked out, but was so exhausted I just fell asleep in the tower next to the gates. I just woke up and thought to write this down before I forgot about it.
The last weird thing that I've noticed, is that I haven't seen Willow in a while... She seemed tired last I saw her, after that last attack on the gates. Apparently she was just by the fire and didn't notice the sounds of the battle going on... I hope she's OK...
Last tenday was filled with adventure. First I went with Leena, Elaine and Shesarai to the rawlins to hunto hobgoblins. They seemed to be all gathered in the same place instead small groups as they always do… Maybe this has something to do with the attacks? Luckily there wasn't one this tenday, so everyone was able to rest easier.
Also, Eilonna took me to María's tower. I think that I'll be able to make the trip on my own next time, because now I know where it is, and she also told me a bit more about the ruins of old Norwick. Seems the curse that keeps raising the old inhabitants as undead also claims adventurers that fall there and are not rescued in time. I must beware if I ever decide to go there alone...
Two days ago, Trish, Romulus, Theaon, Leena Silvanius and I left Norwick along with Raryldor, Kessmiah and Sûldîn, to see if the gems would be destroyed at last. We went north, beyond the ogre cave in the Giantspire mountains. The place was riddled with traps, and more than once Raryldor mentioned how he wished Hen was there to assist. After that. we crossed the ogre infested forest, where thanks to Leena's request to her deity, we were able to safely rest in a druid's circle, and eventually reached the fire cave. There, we discovered a few more things regarding the true power those stones possess. However, once again I shall not document it. It only concerns the elves, and I personally do not wish to relive that particular part of our journey again (although I'm sure the bard will write a song about this, as they always do).
And that's it for now, as I have just arrived in Peltarch from that journey and really need to rest. I'll make the journey back to Norwick at dawn.
a circle was drawn around this Talk to María about that key
More trouble with goblinoids this tenday… First, me, Silvanius, Jonni, Elaine and others went to the hobgoblin cave to see if we could figure out what lead them to attack us a few tendays ago. We were quite successful, what with HUNG (it's a word a mage that was with us told us meant fearlessness) in all of us, but it came to a point where the hobgoblin wall got too thick and we had to fall back. later that day, the hobgoblins, with the assistance of several umber hulks and minotaurs attacked Norwick once more, but yet again Raryldor, Trish, Kristelle, Sir Rath, myself and others were able to fend them all off, although me and Kristelle both made the journey to the Fugue and had to be raised by Trish. After that, as I spoke to Locrian, an orc came to the gate and tried to lure us out, presumably to assassinate Locrian over something he did to a certain slaver mage.
Oh, and I finally found out where the tower is, thanks to Shannon (I think that's what Silvanius called him, and Locrian referred to him as "magistrate"), who told me it was located near the lake on the edge of the Rawlinswoods. Now that I know where it is, I just have to find the opportunity (and the company) to go there, as the road south is filled with danger, and even more so now with these attacks on the town...
a circle has been drawn around this Find a way to get to the tower.