Caravan Troubles

  • A merchant making his way to the Peltarch markets was recently waylaid by Lizardmen in the swamp east of the city. He made it to the safety of the city walls….albeit in bad shape and with one less limb. His plea for the guardsmen to retrieve his merchandise however went unanswered as the Peltarch guard stated it is currently stretched too thin to help in such matters.

    Hearing the situation, local mercenary Vidar accompanied by a newly acquainted dwarf Macmonogog Blackbeard(?) met up with the merchant, Thom, in the Mermaid. After coming to an agreement the two set out on a salvage operation.

    After struggling through the thick, vermin infested swamp, the duo emerged onto the bluffs of the east Icelace coast. Here the merchant's wagon was found, still being rummaged through by several lizardmen. Vidar and Mac easily dispatched the giant lizards before engaging what was assumed to be their leader, a large nasty looking lizard wielding a halberd. The two salvaged what they could, but the cloth garments the merchant had been transporting had been shredded to ribbons by the lizards during their looting. The caravan guard was found dead, but the two salvage men scooped up his belongings and body to bring back for a proper burial.

    Thom, the merchant, was completely dismayed at losing not only his arm, but his entire livelihood to the dangers of the swamp. Vidar and company decided to reimburse Thom his poor investment in the caravan guard from the dead man's coinpurse. In return for their services, they decided to keep any other goods and coin found during the mission.

    ((Thanks to J32 (DM Crafty?) for the fun little event! 🙂 ))