Re-Tokenization for Victoria Beatrix

  • Legion

    Acct: Blame_It_All_On_Reo
    character: Victoria Beatrix

    The Why's:

    1. She's brought new characters into the server. (Primarily, me! Rin, and helped a few Arelith players get to know Narfell.)
    2. She's increased her RP a lot since she switched servers, enough that I've noticed a big difference. I think quite a few other people have too.
    3. Her character, and her, have been extremely helpful to new people/characters, generous, and very eager to aid them in settling in. If there's something any server needs to reward, it's those people that are helpful even OOC to us n00bs.

    So. . .Yeah. Short, sweet, and simple. I think she deserves to get a C token back for being an asset to Narfell. She's one of the reasons I'll probably be staying a while!


  • Legion

    DM team currently discussing citizen token on the Victoria Beatrix PC.

    I'm not sure if it was ever made totally clear, but citizen tokens on other PCs are fine.

  • I concur. 🙂

  • Third that

  • I heartily agree. Retokenize her!!!
