Letter on Magistrate Borodin's door

  • Dear: Lady Borodin

    I hope this letter reaches you in good health and that you are having a pleasant day. I beg your pardon to bother you in regards to a case you have already determined but I have written to ask an appeal to the case of Andrew Brightdawn in the charges of Murder and likely Assault as well. While you were extremely generous in your decision to punish him with only anger management under Sir Fortescue, I would wish to propose a alternative solution.

    I currently lead an Order of Knights in the Temple of Kelemvor known as The Forsworn. We are well trained and specialized in dealing with those that have made normally unforgivable mistakes in the past and training, disciplining and turning them into well mannered and civilized citizens. While Andrew is considered my son by me, I do not disregard the seriousness of this matter. Instead I propose to take him under me as a Squire to serve and learn discipline under the Knighthood and teach him better to manage his anger, act with Valor and in time be a greater benefit to Peltarch and their people as a whole. I may be reached at the Mermaid, The Legion Tower or the Temple of Kelemvor if you would like to propose a meeting to discuss this in person.

    Sincerely: Jason R. Selious, First Knight of the Forsworn, Private of the Legion, Chosen Painbarer and Priest of Ilmater and weilder of the Staff of Ilmater.

    (( Timezone is EST if you wish to schedule an actual meeting))

  • Milady, I have yet to hear from you and this disheartens me admittedly. I write this time though with great concern and hope you will respond soon. Your sentence to Andrew was for Anger Management, now he is being forced to join the city guards or serve twenty years prison time? Again I would contest this matter and ask you to consider the request given in the first letter. I believe personally as from old experience as a Corporal of the Cordorian Guard and actually having recruited, trained and handled young recruits that if forced it can cause resentment and anger towards the city rather then helping the city. Please do respond to me soon.