Healing Kits and Medicine Bags

  • Healing Kits and Medicine Bags
    Unlike Bioware default, using a healing kit does not instantly restore hit points.

    Using a healing kit or medicine bag on a target PC will allow a healing check (using your healing skill) to do any of the following:

    Difficulty Checks (DCs)
    Self-bandaging always adds 7 to the DC.

    The code uses your heal roll to cure any single condition it can - so if a PC is diseased, poisoned, and injured it will check against poison, then disease, then other conditions, until it gets to one the roll is high enough to cure (if the roll is high enough to cure anything), and fix that one.

    PCs can only have their wounds dressed once between rests. If you have already received Basic Longterm Care when someone rolls 45 you will not therefore receive the benefit of Excellent Longterm Care and the ministering PC will have wasted their healing kit. If you attempt to dress your own wounds and fail, then you are unable to receive any bonus to Healing Rate for your next rest.

    Resting Recovery
    Recovered HP is equal to:

    (Level * Healing Rate) + Bonus - Armour Penalty

    One successful bandaging attempt


    For instance, a level 10 PC who has received moderate care and is resting in the inn wearing clothing will recover…

    (10*2.5) + 5 - 0 = 25 + 5 = 30 HP

    The rest menu will inform you in game of the armour penalty, eg "You may rest now. (Your current armour will subtract 32 from your healing.)" You will then have the opportunity to either change into plain clothes before resting or just go ahead.