Ludo the new King of Peltarch!

  • Adding to the vibrant political scene in Peltarch, a gnome dressed in pink and purple is seen walking around loudly proclaiming his right to the throne of Peltarch.

    At times he is seen leading 100s of rabbits who follow him loyally. At other time heralds dressed in pink and purple proclaim that "Ludo the Magnificent is the proper and rightful King of Peltarch."

    Occasionally a large vision is projected in the sky of Ludo sitting in a great throne with 100s of rabbits about him eating a fen-berry pie. (Ludo-TV makes a comeback).

    ((DMs - Ludo spends time casting the above illusions with empowered charisma and greaterspell focus Illusion))

  • Maki watches in sheer awe as the boy looks confused whether this could be actual truth or just some false claim! Whatever it is, its extremely impressive!

  • ((Bon observes the illusionary spectacle with some amusement.))


  • Mystic is quite amused by this, she remembered this Ludo now selfpromoted all over Peltarch. She strolls around in town, whispering amongst the commoners and nobels, that there is a way to make him speechless.

    " You just need to shine brighter! A wink and a friendly smile will make him blush and dash off "

    ((ooc My pulled a very high charisma on Ludo not long ago with that effect))